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Re: Im about to get fired..again..any suggestions

Re: Im about to get fired..again..any suggestions2010-12-09T14:50:19+00:00

The Forums Forums The Workplace Lost/Losing My Job Im about to get fired..again..any suggestions Re: Im about to get fired..again..any suggestions


Post count: 546

I just got firedl last week,its hard for me to tell if the people I work for are happy with me or not. I had decieded that this time I was not going to quit . so have chossen that I tryed taking everones advice and if some thing was said to me in a yelling way I would try not lose my temper. having tried this and it failing,I iwent back to yelling back. this got me fired and re hired the same day,just to find out he was just buying time to find someone else. the funny thing was it was all about working through my brakes. all I was trying to do was make sure all the work for the day was done first. Bad time of the year to get fired,o well life goes on.