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Im about to get fired..again..any suggestions

Im about to get fired..again..any suggestions2010-11-11T22:21:21+00:00

The Forums Forums The Workplace Lost/Losing My Job Im about to get fired..again..any suggestions

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    Post count: 14413

    Well a good analogy is this

    Lets say you have 3 people starting a new job, now during the months the 2 of the workers are up to standards and the other is not, though he/she does get the job done, but not up to what the company wants in terms of productivity.

    Now the others talk about that one person that is not getting the job done, he/she is labelled with kinds of nice words, that person is then brought into a room to discuss performance.

    Well eventually the next discussion your give your walking papers and your out the door.

    Now yes own a store hire ADD people I hear you but the Government’s here in Canada are ignorant bunch they cannot understand the simple answer is for ADD folks to come out and say to their employers I have ADD.

    Making adjustment for the ADD person makes good business sense for the Government it means one less person staying on Unemployment or Welfare or Disability benefits.

    They make provisions for other people with disabilities why not us the reason our disability is hidden and majority of the world are doubting Thomas.


    Post count: 913

    I agree that it’s a tight spot for a “company” too. Having been on “both sides”, we have to admit that companies exist to make money, to profit, not just to employ people to keep them off welfare. So it’s a balancing act – if the company can’t compete with another company that works faster or more effeciently, then that company will soon cease to exist, meaning ALL employees will be terminated. So, the company must find a way to compete – to get things done or made quickly, effeciently, and accurately, make money and still be “fair” about it all.

    some companies will recognize a good employee and attempt to find a spot where they CAN work out. One large company I know, and used to work for, would actually offer the employee a different position in the company – a different “job” to do, They’d even train them to do that job if both sides felt it was a better fit. That company recognized it was cheaper and more effecient for them to keep good employees, even ones with “problems” as retraining and rehiring cost them money – plus every time they let one go, their unemployment insurance rates went up. Maybe they weren’t doing it out of the “goodness of their hearts” but there was economic reasons it made good sense to keep ’em and simply move them to a spot more suited for that employee. Actually, I must say in this company, it was partly because they honestly cared. Their saving money was the side effect for them.

    Maybe the company can send the employee to training – to learn time management skills, organizational skills. It really can be a win-win, it’s just a matter of showing the “boss” that it makes sense, and is economically feasable.

    Sounds harsh probably, but in this world, it seems we have to be able to work harder to prove ourselves.

    I’ve been there. It’s especially hard today – with fewer jobs out there. I know personally- I’d be in a panic………


    Post count: 546

    I just got firedl last week,its hard for me to tell if the people I work for are happy with me or not. I had decieded that this time I was not going to quit . so have chossen that I tryed taking everones advice and if some thing was said to me in a yelling way I would try not lose my temper. having tried this and it failing,I iwent back to yelling back. this got me fired and re hired the same day,just to find out he was just buying time to find someone else. the funny thing was it was all about working through my brakes. all I was trying to do was make sure all the work for the day was done first. Bad time of the year to get fired,o well life goes on.


    Post count: 913


    Track everything that happens at work – the good, the bad, keep a log or journal. If the boss says something log it. If another employee messes up, log it.

    Stay focused in the crisis or emergency of being yelled at or fired. Try REALLY hard to stay logical and organized.

    You have weapons at your disposal – ink and paper, and a mind that can think in ways they can’t – use ’em.

    A friend and co-worker here, who is a former union steward, etc. etc. said the best thing to do is to keep good records of all things good and bad. They can come in handy if fighting a termination.


    Post count: 14413

    im afraid when i go in today that i will get my walking papers …..job are few and far between in ns… took me 4months to get a job and wasplanning on going back to school in april if this went well. i dont want to spend 15000 on a course if i cant finish it there resources here for children with adhd but not much for adults- life coach etc, therapy is only covered by private insurance or you wait at least a yr for public health. most people with adhd i know cant wait that long…. its like a joke a friend told me – how many people with adhd does it take to change a light bulb? i asked him how many – and he laughed and said wanna go ride bikes …. showing that the joke wa s about the attention span . funny part is he is one of the most severe adhd people i know and made a life for himself playing hockey in the nhl for 2 yrs ……


    Post count: 14413

    I live in America so things are even worse. We don’t have the resources that you canadians have. I’ve been fired myself. I’m currently on disability but I hope to get back on the horse one day. I’ve been taking baby steps with part time or temp jobs that disability lets me take without losing my benefits so long as I don’t earn too much money. I’m just saying that I can relate. I’m very scared because down here conservative governments are very conservative and liberal doesn’t really mean much. We are in danger of losing social security which also includes social security disability which is what i receive. so i’m rushing to get a job. I’m working on my writing in the hopes of getting published so that I can make my living that way. To everyone here I support you and hope the best for you whatever happens.


    Post count: 47

    Hello Bonnie BG…I am a nurse(RN) and realized I was ADD when getting my daughter Dxd when she was in grade school…My last job was the first I actually wrote down I have ADD but was not sure if accomodation was needed….I ended up getting fired..again..now working with Voc-Rehab. It has taken me 9 years to realized little by little how ADD has been affecting me. I live in a rather rural area of America and have to start finding couselor or coach…not very likely but hope springs eternal…I have no self confidence for making out applications…to the point of anxiety attacks..really!!..So am working free lance home health and doing ok…one day at a time…I have had one boss that was fabulous to work for, she is one of those people that works with “difficult” people and makes it work..when she left we got a knuckle head DON….bless her….I think ADD is prevelent in health care, and we have to perservere…We are smart and very capable…hang in there…don’t forget to breath..


    Post count: 14413

    Hey brothers and sisters! New to this kind of thing, but oddly compelled by the work on this site. If I brake any BLOG rules, sorry in addvance. I noticed its been three weeks since ADDME chimed in. I can’t help but wonder how it went?! I wanted to share briefly what happened with me at work. Maybe it will help. It’s been six years, same employer (miracle) and aside from being bored with monotony of the structure and several failed escape attempts, I chose to come forward about the ADHD. I was told that my ADHD was a valid medical neurological condition and I was protected by the American Disabilites Act. A company your size might not be obligated to the Canadian equivalent of our Disabilites Act. Maybe you can bear that in mind while looking around at other jobs? In my world, I still work harder than anybody in the office despite my differences and have really tapped into the ADHD strengths, BUT by having it out there to the bosses, the anxiety’s off. And if I start to slip, they can just nudge me (if they can catch me -ha). So, ADDME ~ if you lost the job, boots up and get another one. Hopefully, your discussion went well and your boss has seen the light!


    Post count: 14413

    I agree with Stacerella — the boss has unrealistic expectations and unreasonable demands — find yourself another job with more realistic demands and use this one to help you set boundaries in future situations — chances are that the boss somehow found out about your condition and set out to humiliate you — no one should have to work with that type of personality — if HR is an option, make an appointment QUICK!


    Post count: 14413

    still have my job for now – scared to death – but pushin thru- applied for compassionate medication assistance thru lily canada for my adhd meds… hope they can help …


    Post count: 19

    I tried to discuss that I was going through emotional times but my they just gave me a help line to call.They just don’t get it while some might.At this place Human resource and Health& Safety are the same person??


    Post count: 1

    where can I find any laws in regards disability at work place?


    Post count: 14413

    I have found natural product that has helped me with my job as well as my focus. If anyone would like to know just let me know would be happy to share. I’m sure it will do the same for anyone that has ADHD. This never made me weaker it always made stronger and I try to fine a way to make it better. I hate the fact that people call it a disability and then my life insurance charged me more because of it. Whatever, I guess it is what it is. But I won’t stop trying for sure.

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