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Re: Im about to get fired..again..any suggestions

Re: Im about to get fired..again..any suggestions2010-12-09T15:06:08+00:00

The Forums Forums The Workplace Lost/Losing My Job Im about to get fired..again..any suggestions Re: Im about to get fired..again..any suggestions


Post count: 14413

im afraid when i go in today that i will get my walking papers …..job are few and far between in ns… took me 4months to get a job and wasplanning on going back to school in april if this went well. i dont want to spend 15000 on a course if i cant finish it there resources here for children with adhd but not much for adults- life coach etc, therapy is only covered by private insurance or you wait at least a yr for public health. most people with adhd i know cant wait that long…. its like a joke a friend told me – how many people with adhd does it take to change a light bulb? i asked him how many – and he laughed and said wanna go ride bikes …. showing that the joke wa s about the attention span . funny part is he is one of the most severe adhd people i know and made a life for himself playing hockey in the nhl for 2 yrs ……