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Re: Im about to get fired..again..any suggestions

Re: Im about to get fired..again..any suggestions2010-12-10T05:26:34+00:00

The Forums Forums The Workplace Lost/Losing My Job Im about to get fired..again..any suggestions Re: Im about to get fired..again..any suggestions


Post count: 14413

I live in America so things are even worse. We don’t have the resources that you canadians have. I’ve been fired myself. I’m currently on disability but I hope to get back on the horse one day. I’ve been taking baby steps with part time or temp jobs that disability lets me take without losing my benefits so long as I don’t earn too much money. I’m just saying that I can relate. I’m very scared because down here conservative governments are very conservative and liberal doesn’t really mean much. We are in danger of losing social security which also includes social security disability which is what i receive. so i’m rushing to get a job. I’m working on my writing in the hopes of getting published so that I can make my living that way. To everyone here I support you and hope the best for you whatever happens.