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Re: Irony

Re: Irony2011-03-13T07:12:57+00:00

Post count: 14413

I’m new here as well…seems like a lot of us have the same issues.

As for the reading issue, it wasn’t until I was diagnosed ADD (but I think I’m ADHD) that I realized I read everything twice before I “get it”. I used to love reading books but I can’t stay focused long enough to read a whole book anymore. It makes me feel stupid or “less than” because most of my coworkers and friends read volumes. My (2nd) ex-husband could read a book every 2 days.

I am reduced to self help books. That way I can read only the chapters I need to read and can jump around.

I have been in healthcare since 1987.

The good news is that I am awesome at what I do and I love it.

I’m intelligent and good at critical thinking and I am very sensitive and compassionate. I am quick-witted and funny.

But I talk too much, too loud and I interrupt.

Multi-tasking is nearly impossible. You want me to read, write and listen??? Are you kidding???

My coworkers get impatient with me because they feel that I am not paying attention.

My superiors trust and depend on me, but I don’t always follow through with paperwork.

I am always late! For everything!!! Yes, I still get suspended for chronic tardies.

I have no “systems” for anything. I don’t do anything the same way twice.

I don’t know where things belong. How many junk drawers can one house have? And sock drawers…if I even have folded socks.

I wash lots of laundry but hate to fold…so i keep throwing them back in the dryer until the wrinkles come out.

What am supposed to do with all of the mail????? Where does it go after you open it?

Balancing a checkbook? Seriously? It’s easier to pay the NSF fees…to the tune of 10,000.00 in 2009. Yes it’s true.

All of my bills are late so I pay late fees for everything.

I don’t even know where my bills are! Stuff gets shut off a lot around here. That is a real drag.

I can’t remember any passwords to my online accounts so I have to reset them every time I sign on.

Sure, I can write them down but then I have to remember where I put that piece of paper.

When I see it in writing, I can’t decide if I should laugh or cry. I usually do both.

Stimulants haven’t really worked for me and no one has really showed any interest in my symptoms so they don’t keep trying.

I also have anxiety and the psych says that stimulants can trigger anxiety. Basically, my ADHD isn’t being treated right now.

But my depression, arthritis, and adult acne are being handled with loads of meds.

I’m actually tired of taking meds…

Thanks for reading my vent
