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Re: Irony

Re: Irony2011-03-14T07:42:40+00:00

Post count: 14413

ok, speaking of interruptions- this thread title has been driving me mental- does any body else have word association challenges?

eg: when you see the word ‘irony’, do you think of ironing (with the board and the steam)? cos i do. you see, ironing is REALLY iron-y (like cheese is really cheesy)…… and then i think of ‘extreme ironing’ and start to visualise someone on a mountain with a board and pile of shirts, and then sooner or later -if i don’t go off on a mental bogsnorkling trip and end up whoknowswhere- i wonder what the hell i’m thinking about mountaintop laundry persuits and cycling through dreadfully deep puddles for, or why.

this happens to me a lot with words that include other little words or which seem to have a root that doesn’t fit with the whole word (irony doesn’t fit with laundry or the metal) – like ‘sincere’- makes me think of sin, and searing- as if you’d get branded and burst into flames for not being honest when you sign a letter. obviousy i know it’s probably got a latin root and yes well anyway i’ll shut up now cos i’m doing that ‘at 3:30am everything feels a bit profound’ thing that i do and babbling as well, no doubt.

edit: ok, well there’s another word doomed. apparently ‘profound’ has a root meaning of ‘gigantic arse’. :P … so i’m gonna end up hearing freddie mercury singing ‘bicycle race’ whenever anyone says ‘profound’ now- cos of the “Fat bottomed girls, they’ll be riding today, so look out for those beauties, oh yeah…” line. urgh. damnit i’d be dangerous if i had any sort of um… whatchamicallit…. focus and motivation. probably just as well that i don’t then. :D




1275–1325; Middle English < Anglo-French < Latin profundus deep, vast, equivalent to pro- pro-1 + fundus bottom ( see found2 )



…. and then there is ‘concur’, and ‘conker’. you don’t wanna mix them up or you’d be telling someone whom you agree with that you’re a chestnut. and that whole ‘Conquistador’ word- they trick you by kissing the door? *gets very dizzy*