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  • #101753

    Post count: 14413

    your wife is a shrink? 😆 you’re doomed to never get one past her. my parents are both in 12 step programs- they have the same issue- arguments now tend to fall flat rather quickly with “i feel that you’re being rather controlling, dear”, “when did you last call your sponsor?” or “cough-denial-cough*”… too much insight takes all the fun out of it really. :P

    i don’t know about dyslexic, but my typing has never involved great use of capitalisation or decent grammar- quite frankly because i just cannot be arsed to put as much effort into hitting the shift key as is required for doing that sort of thing. when you’re a self-taught 2 fingered speed typist who thinks too fast, mashes the keys a lot, and gets fingercramp frequently, every click counts! :P

    i try not to interupt people in formal situations- cos they get annoyed and thats not usually in my best interests- i have a notebook and doodle so i can listen to them for more than 3 seconds straight, and if i think of something which i deem is worthy of interrupting them, i write it down (if i can’t be bothered with that, it’s evidently not that important after all!) and we have periodic ‘scheduled interuption’ time where i’ll go through my list and weed out the nonsesne from the pertinent. if you try and hold a conversation with me thats not formal- good luck, you’re on your own, may the most detirmined speaker win! :D


    Post count: 14413

    ok, speaking of interruptions- this thread title has been driving me mental- does any body else have word association challenges?

    eg: when you see the word ‘irony’, do you think of ironing (with the board and the steam)? cos i do. you see, ironing is REALLY iron-y (like cheese is really cheesy)…… and then i think of ‘extreme ironing’ and start to visualise someone on a mountain with a board and pile of shirts, and then sooner or later -if i don’t go off on a mental bogsnorkling trip and end up whoknowswhere- i wonder what the hell i’m thinking about mountaintop laundry persuits and cycling through dreadfully deep puddles for, or why.

    this happens to me a lot with words that include other little words or which seem to have a root that doesn’t fit with the whole word (irony doesn’t fit with laundry or the metal) – like ‘sincere’- makes me think of sin, and searing- as if you’d get branded and burst into flames for not being honest when you sign a letter. obviousy i know it’s probably got a latin root and yes well anyway i’ll shut up now cos i’m doing that ‘at 3:30am everything feels a bit profound’ thing that i do and babbling as well, no doubt.

    edit: ok, well there’s another word doomed. apparently ‘profound’ has a root meaning of ‘gigantic arse’. :P … so i’m gonna end up hearing freddie mercury singing ‘bicycle race’ whenever anyone says ‘profound’ now- cos of the “Fat bottomed girls, they’ll be riding today, so look out for those beauties, oh yeah…” line. urgh. damnit i’d be dangerous if i had any sort of um… whatchamicallit…. focus and motivation. probably just as well that i don’t then. :D




    1275–1325; Middle English < Anglo-French < Latin profundus deep, vast, equivalent to pro- pro-1 + fundus bottom ( see found2 )



    …. and then there is ‘concur’, and ‘conker’. you don’t wanna mix them up or you’d be telling someone whom you agree with that you’re a chestnut. and that whole ‘Conquistador’ word- they trick you by kissing the door? *gets very dizzy*


    Post count: 11

    I have a few word associations – I can’t think of the word “Patronize” unless I drag it out of the word “Parent”. Also, I can’t remember names very well, but I can remember EXACTLY how many letters are in them. For instance, Sam Neil I couldn’t remember today, but since I remembered how many letters were in his name, I was able to deduce from there. Unfortunately, I have since learned that his last name is really “Neill”.

    My wife and I have been playing “The Homonym Game” for about 3 years now. Every time we read or hear one, we’ll holler it out.

    I thought of a quadruple homonym a few weeks ago, but I’ll be darned if I can remember it now. There were 5 letters in the longest one, though, and the other 3 had 4 letters… As a matter of fact, she’s looking over my shoulder right now, and asked me if we’ve had “hoard” yet… ;-) She’s my favorite person.

    I once made a spreadsheet in excel that did something neat. I would type in a 4-letter word, and Excel would show every combination of all 4 letters, then spell-check each one, and each one that was spell-checked successfully was highlighted.

    The most I got was 6: Stop, post, pots, tops, spot and opts. That was an exciting night. Also, Wifey plays scrabble alot, so I’ve been endeavoring to make as efficient a 2-letter word list as possible.


    Post count: 14413



    Post count: 14413

    Words can tickle your brain!


    Post count: 206

    I find that I have a hard time being succinct. I am a worder. I love words almost as much as I love food and tastes of food. When I read and I come to a passage that is too detailed and adds nothing whatsoever to the long term story I skim through it. Blah blah blah. There are too many authors out there who love to throw in every little detail that they have learned about this nano of theirs that contributes nothing but words to the book. I usually read 1 or 2 books a day (sometimes if motivated I can read 3 or 4 but that doesn’t leave a lot of time for other pesky things like showering, sleeping, eating, cooking and interacting) but I like to skip to the end and see how it is going to end. If I don’t like the end or don’t agree with how they get there I have abandoned the book. Do I miss them, not really. I go to the Author site and see when the next book in the series in coming out. I really should be one of their Beta readers because one of these days I will probably go Misery on one of these authors and force them to write a book just for me.

    For passwords I use a one note program and when I register I print this to one-note and include the username and password onto the page. For my bills I have them coming into a e-post and from there I arrange to pay the bill on the pay day closest to the due date. After the power and gas was turned off this summer I now pay an amount every month that is the same but still affordable. As long as a payment is made they don’t get too snicky about the amount. I love computer banking because you have the capability to set up payments months or years in advance. You can decide to pay X amount every month on the 12th. The nice thing about this versus having the company do it, is if something changes you are not committed and you can change it to a lower amount, different date, or scrap the payment that month altogether.

    When DH is working I usually get up at 5 with him to bully him out the door on time. He always has to do one more thing. I can usually make any appointment on time as long as it is just me. That means if I have to finish dressing on the bus or in the car oh well. I can grab a tea and biscuit after the appointment or go for lunch. If the house is a disaster because I was searching last minute for the item they asked me to bring, I can always lock the door behind me. Talk about needing 24 hours notice, you definitely want to call before dropping by my house.

    DH is a clean freak. It took him many years to adapt to the fact that I wasn’t his uber organized mother. From the time he could walk everything in his room was neat and clean. Not organized but if you don’t touch it he can put his hand on it. He is just wired that way. In my world we live in chaos. It isn’t really dirty just jumbled. Being a huge reader there are usually stacks of books everywhere. The computer desk is buried under paper. Same with bathrooms, and my bedroom. The basement is a storage repository.

    I am a lover of gadgets. The kitchen is full of useful and not so useful things. I could cook for an army but we rarely (read never) have people over. We usually go out. I also have a hoarding tendency toward food and our cupboards are stuffed. Add to this that we inherited most of the dishes and such that belonged to DH’s mother. His mother also loved antiques and I hate dusting and could never keep things like his mama could. But as I said DH is getting used to this. I has only taken 21 years.

    I like to write (in cursive) words backwards. I also recite the alphabet front to back and back to front. 8)


    Post count: 11



    Post count: 14413

    OK. I have to jump in here. I play with words too. I think I started because in school, in order to remember how to spell a word, I’d pronounce it in my head the way it’s spelled. Like chaos is chay-ohss. Even so, spell-check is my friend.

    When I was first introduced to Etch-A-Sketch, it was love at first sight. In no time at all I was writing cursive upside down and backwards. Pictures? Did one to prove to myself how well I could, then it was been there, done that.

    I started reading again, and got caught up in the paranormal firestorm. Since most of them are in series and I was losing track, I started a list. Three columns of:


    Series Title (italicized)

    Books in series in order

    The first part of the list is series in progress – want-to-read is bold and as soon as I read it, I unbold it. I put it in Google Docs so I can access it on my iPhone in the book store. Stupid Google Docs doesn’t always work, unfortunately. The second part of my list is series I have finished totally or are on the back burner. Mostly I read on a Kindle app on the phone, because I’ve had carpal tunnel for 30 years, and it’s easier to hold. Plus I can read in bed without turning on a light. I just switch it to black background and white text. My list is spilling over to the 4th page now, and I’ve sized the font down twice and eliminated gutters between columns for space.

    The irony is there are 2 books waiting for me at the book store, but I haven’t been able to budget my time well enough to go get them.

    More irony: I have a hard time getting around to ordering things I need online, but when I do, I’ll take the time to make a spread sheet so I can play with how many of what items I want and see the total money change instantly. Good for my money budget, but not for my time budget.

    I’ll spend hours on the computer making a perfect birthday card, but almost never get it sent out on time.


    Post count: 11

    “I’ll spend hours on the computer making a perfect birthday card, but almost never get it sent out on time.” – HILARIOUS and Oh so familiar!

    Oh, and I read your whole post, not just the last sentence ;-)

    I’m pretty much screwed without a list. I’m glad we’re in the era of hand-held devices, ’cause a paper list would get lost in my pocket.

    I hope all of that changes when I get medicated ;-)


    Post count: 47

    Irony…I have pockets of organization in my life…I have to fold the unders…or it doesn’t work for me. Socks, I have 2 girls, I never, NEVER could find mates, so I decided that two of the same colored socks would work,, or, sometimes the same KIND of sock gold toes..black/blue…I am a nurse, who notices..right? Some do, some don’t, I would make it a joke, close enough for 630am thank you.

    I also ended up with 2 laundry baskets with socks UUUGGGHHH too much…so now I am back to mating about 10 pair..blue and black, and 2 red..Some have the same color scheme..they sell them like that now, so I have socks to last me a LONG time…my girls call them day off socks..I call them .. close enough..

    My winter “uniform” is black or olive colored cords, or twill pants when it is above 20 above..Summer is Khakis…or skirts…and hawaii shirts..they go with everything, and they are colorful, and my socks usually hit one or two of the colors…I was a big hit with my old people at the nursing home. My boss,,,not so much…my Administrator had ADD he “got” me, my nursing supervisor not at all…just uptight..I don’t work there anymore..but my wardrobe hasn’t changed much.

    I have gotten some better with my bills, not late with all of them, I got tired of paying the extra money to the power company for instance, and the tellephone..they get enough of my money…although I forgot the land line for the first time in over a year, and it is turned off…aaa a plan for tomorrow.

    I am hoping to get on line banking, I am still waiting for it to be available where I live.(.In the outback of MT..) where it can and has snowed on the 4th of July…but I digress…

    I am having a dinner for my high schooler this Sat, so I am tidying, and putting away, laundry AND typing…So the goal is to get the pile of papers from around the desk…redistributed/organized/taken care of…tonight…tomorrow…the kitchen…

    My need to take some Ritalin, and see if it still works…I don’t take it when I work night shift, because it is quiet and slow and I puddle along nicely…Life is good…mostly…


    Post count: 206

    :P Well I have read most of the books in the library in the categories I enjoy. I found paranormal about 2 years ago and have just about exhausted that category so now I am expanding again. I could never be bothered to start up any sort of list, but the library now has a new application that lets you add them to your library. If I find an author I like I simply add it to my library and then every once in a while if I am checking on all my author sites to see if something new from them comes out I can just go back into it. It also lets me rate the books I read so that others know what they are getting before they ever pick up the book. Have you ever found that for the most part what you read on the informational blurb has very little to do with what is actually going on in the book. I hate that so this application lets you enter your own blurb.

    There are certain authors that are worth buying the book from, but now the library in our city has 4 book sales a year and you have the chance to pick up these books a year later for $10.00 a box. And I can organize the box and end up with 50 or 60 of these books. I bought my Kobo ereader a few months ago and it comes pre-loaded with 100 classics and can hold 1000 books or with e card can hold 5000 books. So authors that I can’t wait for 56 other casual readers to read and return the book. And an ebook is a third or less what a paper book is worth. I just read the book I am Number Four. Much better book then movie. I don’t know why they changed it so much because all the elements were already in the book. Number 6 comes across as someone out of the Matrix in the movie but is much more useful in the book. I was number 123 in line for 15 books at the library and they wanted 16.00 CAD for the hardcover and I bought it for $4 for my Kobo. I finished it in 3 hours so that only works out to 1.33 an hour. Certainly not worth a hardcover. Certain authors you buy because you can see yourself either reading it again or having to reread certain parts so that you remember where you were when you buy the next book in the series. When you have read over 1000 books by the time you get back to the next book you can lose track of some of the most important elements of the series. After Harry Potter a lot of authors and publishers are now only publishing 1 or 2 times a year so if the author tells you it is book 1 of 7 it could be up to 7 years before you get to the end of the series. What I hate are the authors who publish book 4 of 7 and then tell you that the publisher has decided that they are going to drop them because they have decided to go with a different demographic of publishing. Go jump I say. If you have made a commitment then finish it up. But enough of that rant. Although a few of the authors it has happened to are now self publishing or publishing through their website. X amount for each chapter. Smart business and you don’t have to share the royalties.

    Now as for socks, I used to despair. I have a basket downstairs that has moved with us across the country and back again that stands 3 feet tall and 2 feet across filled with pairs from the past. Every year we end up with another 40 or 50 mismatched socks to add to this basket. Then about 6 months ago my youngest started wearing odd socks. Perfect she now has 3000 perfectly lovely socks to chose from. She can chose from different patterns, textures, lengths or however she wants. Maybe in a few years when she moves out she will want to take it with her and relieve me of this embarrassing problem. Then we can start anew with 40 or so odd socks a year. When my kids were little they used to start every year with 100 pairs of socks. By the end of the year they were down to half or less. I really think that there has to be some sort of fiend that only steals 1 sock from every pair. I used to think I could get around this by buying multiples of the same socks. But then the kids wear them and the bottom of the socks don’t match. I must not use the right detergent or not enough or my held is tilted the wrong way because my white sock never looks that white after washing with tide. So I stopped buying white socks. Right now the youngest is really into stripes and argyles. Lots of pretty patterns and colors. More colors and patterns the better. The only decision then is are they a light or a dark when it comes to sorting. Then I end up with all these mismatched socks that I just shove in the drawer for her to chose from again. Now if only I can convince DH that that is the way they are supposed to be. But luckily he is so uptight that they always end up in the hamper as a pair. And with the new washer it is only 1 load lights and 1 load darks for his and my clothes a week. (Sweetness and light doesn’t want me to wash her laundry so she takes care of her own for the most part unless our laundry is a little light). When our oldest moved out we went from having to do towels two or 3 times a week to now only doing them once with the other laundry. Who needs 3 towels to have a shower. Seriously. :?

    I remember back to when we were growing up. The laundry room monster stood 6 feet tall. I shudder to think how many pairs of everything we must have had if we could have 6 feet of laundry in the basement by the washer. Every day you would take a handful and stuff it in the washer but it never seemed to diminish. When we all left home they probably just threw it all out. Although my dad is a bit of a hoarder (as now I am and my youngest) so he probably just washed it and it is probably in one of the 100 or so totes in his garage. I left home 22 years ago, my youngest sister left 18 years ago and he still has 100 boxes of useless junk in his overstuffed garage. No room for a car just boxes and treadmills and other exercise equipment that has gone there to die.

    :D I do not send out cards. A phone call (or if you are rude enough not to answer your phone when I call) a message is what you get from me. Much more personal and takes up no room. I just love the ones organized enough to send you the whole family saga that has befallen their family this year. Mine would go something like, oldest moved out, got a place, got evicted, got a place. Youngest has been suspended 3 times this year, but she is pretty and she has at least a smart mouth. DH works and when he is home he can be seen printing off 8×10’s of hockey players he wants to add to his autograph collection. Better then pin up girls and it keeps him out of trouble. As for me I have read 1200 books this year. I thought about making a partial list of the authors but ran out of time if I want to get this out by easter. Hope everyone in your home is good. Not that their letters aren’t as equally good. I now know that their kid had to repeat a grade because he reads 4 years below grade level. Do they not realize that these letters are usually saved and when this child is an adult that he will still have this stigma because Great Aunt Marge has the letter to prove it. Unless you are proud of it don’t put it in writing. If you wouldn’t stand up in front of the crowd at City Hall and shout it out you should probably not write it out. Seriously just tell the other person on the phone. In a few years when they bring it up you have plausible deniability. Either they are making it up or they misunderstood what you were saying. Seriously, your kid never had to repeat a grade, or if he did it was because he was ahead of his peer group and they wanted to give him a chance to let his jealous peers catch up. Get over it already and now he has 3 wonderful friends unlike you son who just got out of prison, at least thats what I heard. 8)


    Post count: 14413

    Curlymoe 115!

    Holy crow!

    Your last paragraph about sending out the personal letters is absolutely HILARIOUS!

    Honestly..you should be a comedy writer if you aren’t already!!!!!!!!!!!

    (And I am a voracious reader as well…keep the library and ‘Goodwill’ stores in business)


    Patte Rosebank
    Post count: 1517

    There’s a British radio comedy series (“The Butter Factor”) that included a song that’s one of those annual letters. Of course it’s nothing but awful stuff, and ends with the writer asking if anyone would be willing to let him crash on their sofa, now that his family kicked him out and he’s homeless.


    Post count: 929

    Hey, I know… think positive! lol.

    Yeah right! huh. I’m working on a larger post for this thread. gettin it rite.


    Post count: 929

    Edit, proofread, edit some more, wait…

    Now I’m done, here goes.

    <<>Gryffindork: you MAKE your bed?! ….screw that, it’s gonna get unmade again that night when i get back into it. mine just lies in a big sprawling jumble until bedtime. i have no shame. some sections of it enjoy the fresh air, i expect.

    i also don’t iron except for weddings, funerals, and job interveiws. thats IT. if something is wrinkly it either goes into the bathroom on a hanger when i have a shower (steams unwrinkled), or stays wrinkly (cos it’s gonna either unwrinkle, or get wrinklier once i’m wearing it). if it’s uberwrinkled, i pretend thats the look i was going for in the first place. its a fashion concept. <<>

    I can relate jeneticallymodified, how we look at ourself is a big part of the solution to me. I accept the symptoms that don’t torture me, adapt to the way my brain works, and always look for the positive in what feels really negative. I celebrate my progress and focus on the positive. That’s hard work.

    I don’t own an iron. Never have.

    The work I’ve been doing here, and fighting my way through a complete diagnosis is helping my brain begin to rewire itself. I’m not taking the methylphenidate any more. 5mg a day, is only making me see how awfully screwed up I am when it wears off. Just plain a different kind of weird, as it wears off. 2 hours of help, a couple hours being really freaking different but sorta better, then back to bouncing off the walls. Too small a dose of the solution only makes the problem more obvious. So no more of that crap. No quick fixes anywhere in my direct future.

    It’s annoyingly! ironic that all the hoops I have to jump through, and the waiting!… helps me recover. By the time I get the medication part of the diagnosis/treatment I’ll be suffering less, just because I’ve overcome the chronic lateness, and disorganization just to show up for the appointments. It’s because I was way late to 3 out of the first 5 appointments that I’m now waiting “5 or 6 months” for another dang 15 minute apt with the psychiatrist. I feel like they’re punishing me, but I can’t expect special treatment just because ADHD has made me absolutely miserable most of my life, um….. right? I may not need medication by the time I finally get to see the psychiatrist again! A life of STRUGGLE has given me some determination. Patience when I’m desperate enough to pray n meditate.

    Yeah, screw that. I WANT HELP NOW!!! ME FIRST!!!.

    In the meantime I’m begrudgingly going to one possibly two support groups. I’m an old pro in that arena, Been there done that too much!!!, at least I’ll be able to crack jokes and feel somewhat useful. A little less alone. Then grow an ulcer stressing about being late. Then get kicked out because my ADHD is making me too “inappropriate”, I freaking hate that word. I almost never use that H word. Hate is toxic.

    A positive note, I’m already taking wellbutrin (bupoprion) Maybe that’s why I don’t suffer as badly as many people here. Most of the solution is changing my habits, building new ones, and discipline. Tons of reading instead of writing here, working on long posts like this one much longer. Impossible for some/many of us without some medication help but… We just don’t all have that option. Sometimes irony is a hellish awful kind of unfairness.

    I accept my hand of cards.

    It’s better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick.

    PS I let this post sit in my documents a day or so, kinda following my new rule I talked about at “The High Five Corner” http://totallyadd.com/forum/topic.php?id=1688 Stop by and give us a Slap! ukay?

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