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Re: Loud noises???

Re: Loud noises???2011-11-12T00:37:08+00:00

Post count: 913

I startle very easily, but loud noises generally are not an issue. In fact, being around loud sounds so much hasn’t helped my hearing loss any. (try standing just 30 feet from 600+ hp with open headers at the track chatting with friends – or watching right up front at tractor pulls)

Granted, I have my days where the stereo isn’t on at all, prefer it quiet, but I guess the sounds bit isn’t really anything I consider out of the ordinary or abnormal for me.. compared to other folks. Some days I can’t tune out much of anything, other days I could tune out a tornado, but shrill sounds always get to me. Some “shrill” voices drive me nuts (I HATE some of the female voices TV advertisers seem to be using lately – like the JCP ads and similar – uugghh. And really shrill guitar, etc. is nasty to me.