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Loud noises???

Loud noises???2010-12-17T00:20:50+00:00
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    Post count: 14413

    I learned something interesting hearing classical music while I work helps with my focus on what I am doing;listening to classical music I zone out. I still however can’t stand loud base noise “that you can feel”. It obviously isn’t my generation but hey, I still didn’t like really loud music in senior high!



    Post count: 546

    funny, I ride a HD motor cycle everyone around me is trying to ride the loudest bike. I have two friends that I ride with and they are the same way, it drives me crazy. the laugh because I am always way behind them and there teasing me about keeping up. I keep telling them iam back there so I can here my bike. what they don’t know is that I hate all that noise from there bikes. so rideing in the back is ok with me. I guess I am just not a bad ass biker I just like the bike and I love to ride.


    Post count: 14413

    Wow, Thanks to all of you who posted here, I am not as sensitive to loud noises as many of you have described, loud TV, loud music or several people talking all at the same time does run me up a wall. I have worked around loud machinery most of my life, I am guessing my mind learned to tune it out. But I have a 6 yr old & a 2 yr old that are both scared to death of any loud noise, even our dog barking. I had never put it together until now, that it was associated with the ADHD.

    Kazou….I also love classical music for it’s relaxing affect on me, but for some reason I have gotten away from listening to it. I see now I need to get back to it for myself as well as for my children. I had neurosurgery on my left arm about 10 years ago, since that time a loud base noise is painful to me, A doctor told me we do actually feel the vibrations from a base, I hated it when my son was in High school band, I loved going to the concerts and Jazz concerts, They were a very, very good band, but when the base tuba or base drum played I would often have to leave the room.


    Patte Rosebank
    Post count: 1517

    Here’s another one: the Time Signal.

    From the time I was a toddler, I remember being terrified by it. I had to get my feet off the floor, jam my fingers into my ears, close my eyes, and hum to drown out any possibility of hearing it. This was a real problem, since my grandfather and my dad both listened to CBC Radio, which, to this day, broadcasts the National Research Council Time Signal, just before 1:00 p.m. At least they only do it for about 30 seconds now, instead of the full minute they used to.

    It’s worse with BBC Radio (which I listened to when I lived in England, and now, online). They broadcast a Time Signal (albeit at a slightly higher pitch than the CBC one) at the top of every hour. Even the News theme tune on BBC World incorporates it. At least the BBC Radio “pips”, as they call them, are only for 5 seconds.

    I can tolerate these sounds now, but only just. They still make my fight-or-flight response poke its head round the corner to say, “Hullo! Do you need me?”

    I wonder if my sensitivity to Time Signals is because, as a C-section baby, the first sounds I heard during the traumatic moment when I was “from my mother’s womb untimely ripp’d” were the beeps of the monitoring equipment.


    Post count: 14413

    I’m in my church’s Praise band so it’s a “regular” kind of loud. But about 4-5 years ago, the sound system POPPED really, really loud all of a sudden and I nearly had a convulsion! I started crying and shaking uncontrollably. I never had that happen in my life. I haven’t been the same since. Every time it pops or makes a loud noise, I jump and if it’s real bad, I start the crying and hyperventilating. Anyone else have that happen??

    Is it “old age” (I’m 50) or do you think it’s ADHD related? (or both :-)


    Post count: 14413

    People who drive around with their car speakers on full blast

    Neighbors who listen to their music too loudly (especially when all I can hear / feel is the bass)

    People who listen to their mp3 players at full volume so that I can hear the sound leaking out of their little ear bud things

    People who allow their car alarms to go off at all hours of the day and night and take forever to shut them off (really, if people get to the point where they’re ignoring your car alarm, you may as well disconnect it because it’s not doing what it was meant to do)

    Neighbors who argue with each other constantly and seem to be unable to use their Inside Voice

    There is a special place in hell for these disturbers of the peace, and it’s right next to the Tiny Tim jukebox, which is hooked up to one of these: http://www.prefixmag.com/forum/prefix-forum/3113/

    Not that I have anything against Tiny Tim. Just sayin’.


    Post count: 14413

    this is wonderful. too bad it seems dead now, I have always had major problems with noise, other people’s dogs and sterios, people walking and talking in the halls of the condo .. i get horrible anxiety .. not sure where noise sensativity fits with the ADHD that I was finally diagnosed with and massive anxiety .. fearful of something, and trying to control all of my environment inorder to feel at ease.

    At least thats what i think it is about ..

    i hate this, The Welllbutrin and Straterra seem to be helping a bit but i get these waves of anxiety, really hard to cope.

    Any suggestions ?? Nice to learn about noise sensativity, wass afraid it was just me being more odd.


    Post count: 14413

    I hate loud sudden noises. for me, the anxiety is in the abruptness and shrillness. I have a very sensitive startle reflex and ….at extremes…. have been known to scream or run if I am already anxious and stressed and have been so for days. I learned young not to ever ever startle my dad. I once stabbed myself in the ribs with my car keys when startled on purpose by my ex’s roommate. that was so mean =(. I hurt for 3 weeks. I can’t watch horror movies in the theater due to my startle reflex. I am not scared, but hate the purposeful startle effects. so yeah. no halloween haunted houses..ever. I always dislike loud noises, but my startle is mild when I am in a relaxed state.

    as far as I have researched, the startle is more of being in a baseline anxious state (ie having an anxiety disorder). most prominent in generalized anxiety disorder and posttraumatic stress disorder. I think an ADHD sound aversion thing is probably closer to being unable to filter sounds which don’t matter…or possibly at times being distracted from moments of hyperfocus. in general, i think my specific dislike for loud noises is more due to generalized anxiety versus ADD.

    during nursing school, i had a huge problem with drowning out beeping monitors (unless it began beeping with me in the room) lol. I recently filtered out a fire alarm at work until a colleague ran into my office and told me to get out. that thing was not nearly loud and shrill enough. a steady non-abrupt shrill noise will either be completely ignored or will piss me off. flip of a coin.


    Post count: 179

    Sensitivities are associated with ASD. I have an Aspergers-like ASD and have moderate sensitivities. Loud noises, static shocks, and other things cause pain. I also start feeling motion sickness in seconds if I try reading in a vehicle.


    Post count: 14413

    i find my sensitivity to noises and upsets increases a lot with anxiety .. it is how I know when I am really anxious.

    When I am not anxious, I am less likely to react to noise ..it is annoying ..


    Post count: 913

    I startle very easily, but loud noises generally are not an issue. In fact, being around loud sounds so much hasn’t helped my hearing loss any. (try standing just 30 feet from 600+ hp with open headers at the track chatting with friends – or watching right up front at tractor pulls)

    Granted, I have my days where the stereo isn’t on at all, prefer it quiet, but I guess the sounds bit isn’t really anything I consider out of the ordinary or abnormal for me.. compared to other folks. Some days I can’t tune out much of anything, other days I could tune out a tornado, but shrill sounds always get to me. Some “shrill” voices drive me nuts (I HATE some of the female voices TV advertisers seem to be using lately – like the JCP ads and similar – uugghh. And really shrill guitar, etc. is nasty to me.


    Post count: 14413

    Noise sensitivity big time. Wear industrial ear plugs to bed. Would have worn them to work (I worked in a big open office) if they’d have let me. I’m a classically-trained musician although I stopped performing in my early 20s.

    What’s really bugging me lately is my husband opening bottles of things like tums, rolaids, tylenol, anything where the contents really shake around inside. I think it’s because he would come to bed (I’d already be there, trying to get to sleep) and he’d lay there for a few minutes and then roll over and start opening the rolaids bottle, completely bringing me back to full alertness. It’s now an impossible sound for me – even if I’m not in bed trying to go to sleep I will be very disturbed by it, so I ask him now to either tell me when he’s going to open one, or to please put some out on a plate for the day (we have no kids or pets so no risks there).


    Post count: 1096

    Banging doors and people crunching crisps…aahhahahaahahahahaa 👿


    Post count: 285

    OK – I know this seriously dates me but…. when I was a kid they used to have air raid siren tests, and the sound was the most horrible, fingernails on the chalkboard, fear inducing sound I’ve ever heard in my life. To this day, I’ve never heard anything so disturbing. I used to get scolded because I would run around with my hands over my ears screaming and crying. It was like it hurt my soul to hear it!! Now I know how dogs feel when ambulances go by :)

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