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Re: Medical marijuanna, what do you think about it?

Re: Medical marijuanna, what do you think about it?2011-01-06T18:31:32+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication Psychostimulants – General Medical marijuanna, what do you think about it? Re: Medical marijuanna, what do you think about it?


Post count: 89

Asthma doesn’t go away – it is a physical medical condition of the lungs. Perhaps you haven’t had an ATTACK since 12, but you still have Asthma. And smoking (anything) when if you have that condition is ridiculously stupid.

Sorry but I feel your lack of knowledge about this, goes hand in hand with your misguided impressions about the “benefits” of “medical” pot.

Perhaps having your head in a cloud of blue smoke all the time is what does that to you.