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Re: Name that feeling!

Re: Name that feeling!2011-07-26T17:26:41+00:00

Post count: 529

Since I was young ive always wanted to try them. My dad who “is” an alcoholic (recovered many years ago) has always been very opposed to drugs, same with his sister (my aunt) and family. Except my Uncle (who at the moment is a crack addict). My uncle has been my best friend pretty much since I was born – By the way my dad and uncle both (I know 100%) have ADD – My uncle was the one I would always talk to. He always made me feel better and accepts and loves everyone for who they are. No matter what I was going through he has always been there for me. He started smoking pot as a teen and has smoked pot all his life. Because of this, my dad, grandma, grandpa and aunt all kind of out-casted him and condemned him, when I dont see the difference between pot and alcohol, besides ones illegal. This made me angry. How could they treat him like that? Hes human and has his problems just like the rest of us. I guess doing drugs was my way of getting at them. If your going to treat him like that, treat me like that! People just don’t make sense to me. But how can you blame them? They only know what they have been taught… and act out of their own hurt and understandings.

Side tracked there… I guess then they became available so I tried them. The only one that became a problem was the MDMA, only because (as a stimulant, and as you said with cocaine) it calmed me. I could think and get things done!