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Re: Name that feeling!

Re: Name that feeling!2011-07-26T19:10:36+00:00

Post count: 14413

glad you have been feeling better, Carrie =)

I’ve never really done drugs, but they are not the only way to scratch the itch. Drugs are the most overtly destructive, but I’ve managed to find myself in plenty of drug free self-destruction lol.

-binge eating


-compulsive gum chewing

-excessive dating

-getting As in school is compulsive for me..the gobs of time i have spend on certain assignments is absolutely ridiculous and actually life impairing as i NEEEEEED that A

-not scratching it and being left with dysphoria and anxiety you can’t shake

-computer games

-surfing the internet trances

-random mischief which I’ve been lucky that nothing bad has happened.