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Re: Name that feeling!

Re: Name that feeling!2011-07-29T20:48:13+00:00

Post count: 529

You are exactly right. I dont want to have to rely on meds to be “normal”. Its just the ADD meds I have this resistance too. I guess I am still in some denial about it. With the PMDD, thats pretty much night and day. I am astounded by the difference! The ADD meds… Well… Meds dont teach habits… But now I do understand this “itch” and that the meds curb it completely. I will take the darn meds! Thats a promise!

Yes, my husband is very honest and loving, same with my son, and I also have a daughter :) You are exactly right about the insecurity and low self-esteems and sisterly competition! hahaha She one of my best friends but at the same time, yeah… There is that stupid feeling of competition. I HATE it! It makes me feel so childish, and then angry because gosh to play those childish games and whoop her, but its just not right. So frustrating! Yes she is going through things. Seeing my PMDD and now knowing what it is… I know she has it, but hers, if you can believe it, is worse than mine. Her depression part is worse anyways. Mine is the “rage” as I call it, which makes me be verbally abusive towards my poor husband and throw things for no reason… anyways, you know what it is! haha Yes, she does act out for attention. Many times in our talks she has told me “You get whatever you want! People like you! No one ever likes me!” and has told me she is jealous of how I have a family, a house and put myself through school, and how I do get along with so many people. Many times I have tried helping her, I support and encourage her, but she has to be willing to step out (if that makes sense). She thinks that I just do all these things with ease. Ive told her time and time again. Its not easy, and wasnt easy for me! Honestly, in life what is easy?? Goodness.

Sheesh, I have rewrote, that paragraph a million times due to all my trail offs, and still trailed off! I really need to change that! Once again, yes you are right! I dont know Byron Katie, but one of my main “issues” at the moment is Who am I? What drives me? What are my values? I guess im just at that age… Thinking about all my insecurities… And I know what the big one is and I havent even mentioned it here, because it does hurt and is an embarrassment to me, when really, its not such a big deal. Like all things, I play the ignore it game. If I ignore it, it doesnt exist! Right? hahaha I guess if I just face it, like the ADD, I then can overcome it!