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Re: NJ-Employer's comments

Re: NJ-Employer's comments2012-09-21T18:45:50+00:00

The Forums Forums The Workplace The Law/Employment NJ-Employer's comments Re: NJ-Employer's comments


Post count: 14413

Well this seems to be a hot one……..let me take another route here.

Fact…..there is one side of a conversation..and only one presented….a second hand version of that as well!! We were not there to observe…..so to pass judgement on the boss based on third party hear-say may be a little preemptive……..I’m just sayin???

Fact… #1 Son is very stressed at catching hell from the boss, and, as such, is very emotional……not an assumption…I take that direct from the Chester05’s post.

Fact….Chester05’s Mom, is also very upset that #1 Son has been chastised by his boss……not just his boss but there is enough history there that two other managers were present……….we don’t know why????

So there is not a lot of unbiased information……other than #1 Son is in trouble yet again…..and there is history of not being at his work station or doing his job appropriately (MIA)….for what appears to be a number of reasons…….we don’t know details either way…..therefore I chose not to assume…history tells me, it usually it does not pay off!!

Another fact we can glean from the text is…. the boss likely overstepped his boundary with the med question…..(poor form granted)…but also we have no idea of the history involved……was the boss patient ( XXX )number of times previous….has there been polite correction and hints at what needs to be corrected ……we don’t know any of those things…..none!!!! Could this have been the boss’s exasperation point…..we simply don’t know!!

The only things we can take from Chester05’s post is… #1 Son was chastised for work habits, work habits seen as non-appropriate and non-productive that were directly negative customer affecting, and it is not the first time. Given this information chester05 asked for input on a course of action….. should #1 Son request a second meeting with his boss, should he tell his boss he has AD(H)D…..and indeed takes meds for it???? That’s all we know…….so….I stand by the information I provided…it is accurate, and the outcome I described….is more than likely!!! It comes from real life…information I have collected from years of experience……it is not…..NOT OPINION, but observation.

So I reiterate…….and caution Chester05…..

To bring AD(H)D to the table would likely be received as an excuse……I observe, most people interpret it as that…particularly after having been strongly chastised, or warned about unacceptable work habits. The chances of #1 son’s boss jumping up and saying Oh My Gawd…I didn’t know….how could I have…..sorry…what can I do…….that was awful of me…..please accept my apology are slim at best!!!!

It is not my mission to absolve anybody of less than gracious behavior……nor is it up to me to encourage anybody to throw themselves on their sword………..so Chester05 you will decide what you decide as a course of action….but me…… I usually wait until emotion has dissolved from the equation……I wait until fact and clarity have had time to settle in before I pursue a course of action…………it’s ultimately your decision and your sons consequences.

Important note: I believe there are a myriad of other options…….as usual…..this is not the sole path.
