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Re: NJ-Employer's comments

Re: NJ-Employer's comments2012-09-21T20:13:41+00:00

The Forums Forums The Workplace The Law/Employment NJ-Employer's comments Re: NJ-Employer's comments


Post count: 14413

Hi everyone,

Again, thank you to everyone for posting. Thank you TooFat for the replies, I have no ill will on the advise on the contrary agree with most. It has been a few days and we have had time to digest. Although I never said he would be handing notes to his employer from mommy, I said I would have my son put in writing if he thought he needed help with a process at work. When the boss screamed at him if he had a chemical imbalance or something, my son replied as I said “

We have had the talk with him many a time when he went into this field that he is the bottom of the totum pole and needed to prove himself and take all the advise from those who are there and have been there….

You are right this manager is all about the dollar and numbers as are all managers in his position and field and it is rewarded in his paycheck.

The other 2 managers under this boss were called in with my son because they are overlooking his work as well to see at what level he is producing and the quality of his work. As told by all three, his work is damn good and has a great future and they are giving sending him to brand specific training next year for certification. But, with the ADD he has a tuff time with some of the computer systems and being consistent about writing things on the paperwork and being mindful of processes like not waiting at the parts counter for a part, but he is to tell them he will return for it.

My son said this boss was in a highly agetated state that day and when he saw him walking from outside back to his bay, he didn’t even bother to ask where he came from. He had just taken a car he was working on for the quality check drive to make sure the problem was fixed, compounded by him having seen my son earlier at the parts counter and not having written a parking space number on paperwork. No more no less…

When the boss screamed at him if he had a chemical imbalance or something, I said my son replied “actually I do and I take medicine for it” my son never said specifically though it is for ADHD.

I also believe being in the blue collar field that going to the bosses boss or HR would only be self destructive, I have worked in Corporate America for 30 years and have seen similar incidents but are handled more diplomatically.

So when we talked to our son, we told him to bit him in the ass before he can do it to you. When you know your having trouble, go to him and use reverse psychology and make him feel as if he is a wealth of knowledge. What some people have some people lack, my son is hands smart and brain smart on mechanics but not paper smart.

I think I’ve covered more precisely what you mention here:

Fact….Chester05’s Mom, is also very upset that #1 Son has been chastised by his boss……not just his boss but there is enough history there that two other managers were present……….we don’t know why????

So there is not a lot of unbiased information……other than #1 Son is in trouble yet again…..and there is history of not being at his work station or doing his job appropriately (MIA)….for what appears to be a number of reasons…….we don’t know details either way…..therefore I chose not to assume…history tells me, it usually it does not pay off!!

Another fact we can glean from the text is…. the boss likely overstepped his boundary with the med question…..(poor form granted)…but also we have no idea of the history involved……was the boss patient ( XXX )number of times previous….has there been polite correction and hints at what needs to be corrected ……we don’t know any of those things…..none!!!! Could this have been the boss’s exasperation point…..we simply don’t know!!

I think you’ve read way too much into the scenario that happened, there were no xxx of time previous, no corrections, no hints, he has been told since by other mechanics that he flips out from time to time in the shop

As far as not doing his job appropriately or for what appears for a number of reasons, I’ve explained these

“He had just taken a car he was working on for the quality check drive to make sure the problem was fixed, compounded by him having seen my son earlier at the parts counter and not having written a parking space number on paperwork. No more no less…

My son has shared that he is paired with a senior mechanic to ask any questions he may have and this man has been very kind to my son and has given accolades to the three bosses regarding his hands on work.

So perhaps everyone has calmed down over the situation, although does not excuse the behaviors in any way to me. My son will work it out, as parents of children this age we can only listen, be the shoulder to cry on and give our advise.

I am glad I found this forum, I wished I had known about it while my son was in school…..

Have a great weekend everyone.