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Re: NJ-Employer's comments

Re: NJ-Employer's comments2012-09-21T23:47:32+00:00

The Forums Forums The Workplace The Law/Employment NJ-Employer's comments Re: NJ-Employer's comments


Post count: 14413

Well good on you Chester05……indeed you have more information than we do/did …….I’m glad you have a plan. Everyone I’m sure wishes you the best and #1 Son too……we do provide support the best we can…..with only the best of intentions.

Tell “JR” to hang in there…….apprenticeship is a tuff but rewarding road, and the Ol guys can be crusty for sure……hahahahaha…if he strays the course he’ll be one one day!!!! Hahahahahaha…..

Note: I also have an ADD son in apprenticeship….it is working for him….and as I’m sure you are…. I’m pleased too :)
