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Re: Not soo new anymore…not so exciting…

Re: Not soo new anymore…not so exciting…2012-05-29T13:15:41+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey Ups and Downs Not soo new anymore…not so exciting… Re: Not soo new anymore…not so exciting…


Post count: 14413

Isn’t it wonderful to finally talk to (and read) so many people who understand you completely and can put words on what you feel? Spending time on this (addictive) forum is for me the best therapy for coming to terms (baby steps) with my past and ‘non-past’, my lack of ‘identity’, my lack of commitment to anything. I want to get past the ‘why did I / why did it / why didn’t I’. Sometimes I succeed but some days it comes back and I have to get back on my feet. I find strenght and energy when I focus on the ‘how do I now / how will I tomorrow’.

Again, it’ a ‘one day at a time’ process.

All of your posts help me tremendously. Today (for the last 2 years), I’m commited to get better, to discover the real ‘me’, to celebrate what I am. I have to learn to be proud of myself which is the hardest part, given today’s performance society (where I don’t fit in). I guess being here today, all in one piece and trying to figure things out is already a great achievement and something to be proud of. Let’s hang on.