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Re: Now I'm just mad

Re: Now I'm just mad2012-09-29T03:38:32+00:00

allan wallace
Post count: 478

Hiya Flourshoppe! Like a barnacle on the hull of a boat, I’m still pottering around here! 😆

As a chronic underachiever I’m unable to relate to any of your victories, however, as an inveterate loser I’m qualified to remark on your perceived shortcomings :lol:…. 😯 For those of us that know the shame that comes with being the object of derision within families the best way to deal with it is to remove oneself from their orbits! I’m not an expert, I’m not even a layman, I’m just a muddled ADD’er trying to navigate a way through the quicksand that is life. I may be wrong, but I’m beginning to think that the only way to effectively cope with the curse that is ADHD is to be on meds, be in treatment, have counselling or therapy, and somebody that is trustworthy to impart basic life skills…I hope that you can find a way to deal with your issues at the moment! Anyway, no matter how grim my situation may be I think about the heartache that so many more people have to deal with every day! I wouldn’t imagine that it would be very pleasant living in Kabul at the moment, or that going for a stroll in the sunshine in Syria would be at the forefront of many people’s minds…. 😯 Here’s a hug anyway! *HUG*