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Re: Paper work and Emails finally caught up with me!

Re: Paper work and Emails finally caught up with me!2012-09-28T01:51:10+00:00

The Forums Forums The Workplace Strategies for Work Paper work and Emails finally caught up with me! Re: Paper work and Emails finally caught up with me!


allan wallace
Post count: 478

I’ve often thought too what it would be like to walk around in an Arab suit with a tea towel thingy on my head to see what response the robots would have, or to be in a wheelchair for a day tearing about all over the place hollering and bellowing at people to get out the way, or pretending to have a heart attack on the ground somewhere to see if anybody would try and rescue me….ever got annoyed at not being able to get a car park somewhere? Once I got so annoyed at being stuck in a logjam of traffic on my way to watch a football final that I just said to my mates ‘fuck this I’ve got an idea’ and then drove a few hundred meteres on the footpath to along the road adjacent to the stadium (about 6 lanes of traffic) and then parked on the footpath directly across from the gates. I told my mates to leave the windows half way down and the doors unlocked, and without further ado we walked about 50 metres straight into the stadium. To the utter amazement of my mates the car was still there after the game (3 hours later) and I hadn’t been issued with a parking ticket!