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Re: Paper work and Emails finally caught up with me!

Re: Paper work and Emails finally caught up with me!2012-10-01T15:18:18+00:00

The Forums Forums The Workplace Strategies for Work Paper work and Emails finally caught up with me! Re: Paper work and Emails finally caught up with me!


Post count: 14413

Carrie –

I’m a nurse too and the paperwork and documentation killllll meeeeee!! Sure, I can put in a foley, start an IV, pass meds, etc, but then wait, you want me to accurately document what I just did in the last hour? Uhm…..

I usually put off documenting because it messes up my patient care rhythm to keep picking the pen up, and then I procrastinate more because I know it’s going to be tedious. I want one of those dogs collars that takes pictures every five minutes, that way I can look back and see what I was doing!

Do you guys have a Kardex where you work? When I worked in the hospital I started my shifts by looking at the Kardexes since they usually have diet, labs/tests due, activity level, whatever on them. They aren’t fail-proof, but they were much easier for me than digging through the chart for each patient.

Do your friends give you crap about being a nurse with ADHD? My friends always joke (most of the time after I have done something really stupid or absent-minded) that they can’t believe I haven’t killed anyone yet! I know they are just joking and I laugh along with them, but then sometimes I think to myself ‘yeah, I can’t believe that either!’. I think all nurses end up making mistakes even without ADD just because of the pace and the patient load!