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Re: Paper work and Emails finally caught up with me!

Re: Paper work and Emails finally caught up with me!2012-10-02T02:12:10+00:00

The Forums Forums The Workplace Strategies for Work Paper work and Emails finally caught up with me! Re: Paper work and Emails finally caught up with me!


Post count: 529

Nellie – I suppose the other nurses dont read everything. I know they dont. I just feel if I dont I will miss something. I hate it when a doctor or any other person be it OT, PT, RCAs, dietician ask me something and I say… umm… I dont know.. Ive just been on days off.

SayWhat – We don’t have Kardex’s anymore. Only “Care Plans” which don’t help with recent events going on like UTIs, AB, etc. They have our nurses notes all in one binder for all the residents. I go through that entire thing… well from my days off until my days back. Then we have our calendar to check and see whats going on with who for the day. Who needs a follow up assessment for a trial, blah blah blah. I need to check the wound care binder for new directives. Old faxes to see what has been sent, what needs a follow up blah blah blah blah blah blah blaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. Then double check orders against the MAR. And yes. Just like you, I hold off on my charting until the end. But im tired of scrambling to get all my notes in before the shift exchange so Ive been doing better at charting as soon as I can. I always keep notes with me so I dont forget.

I also havent told anyone at work that I have ADD. Some of my co-workers call me “absent minded” and “all over the map” so they tend to remind me probably more often than they remind the other nurses. I also always tell them to remind me. When im on meds I remember things. Without…. well… I dont know how I did it before! I even tell the residents to make sure and call me back if I don’t return with whatever they needed with in 10 mins. When things are crazy at work im on top of it all. Just NOT THE STUPID PAPER CRAP!