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Re: Should I or shouldn't I?

Re: Should I or shouldn't I?2011-10-05T22:11:11+00:00

The Forums Forums The Workplace Who to Tell? Should I or shouldn't I? Re: Should I or shouldn't I?


Post count: 14413

I’m with billd on the interpretation of Russ Barkley’s seminar. While the initial explanation of ADHD paints a rather glum picture, I think this is done to drive home exactly WHY traditional methods do not work, and to drive home just how much ADHD is a true neurological disorder rather than a behavioural one. Later in the series, or in a different section, he discusses treatments and such. He says that while ADHD is THE most serious outpatient psychiatric disorder, it is also THE MOST treatable disorder out of all of psychiatry.

For good ADHD management ideas, see “Managing and Accomodating ADHD” under “Essential Ideas For Parents” in the CADDAC websites series of videos. While it is about managing kids, it also has ideas for adults too. You can use them in order to plan for your specific accomodations in the workplace, if you choose to disclose your ADHD, or to help you work around your areas of difficulty regardless of whether you disclose or not. The topics under “Productivity and Strategies” are also interesting. I got some useful tips from there too.

As to whether to disclose or not, that is entirely dependent on the workplace, and the people in it. One of the Dr Barkley videos on the CADDAC site touches on this topic too.