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Re: Struggling for Normality

Re: Struggling for Normality2010-10-18T01:11:40+00:00

The Forums Forums What is it? ADHD/ADD in Adults Struggling for Normality Re: Struggling for Normality


Post count: 14413


When I read your post, I thought “Oh..just the same as me!’

I had the exact same experiences, losing my father at the age of eight, and living in a very small town where a ‘widow’ was unusual. I was treated differently all through public and high school by ‘friends’ and teachers.

Then in grade thirteen, my mother died and everyone around me scattered. Talk about being ‘different’! No one talked to me after that, just the folks at my part-time job.

Teachers ignored me, suddenly the ‘guidance’ that school talks about dried up and I was left to my own devices.

(When I was a top student, they were always ‘there’ for me…)

My workplace understood, put me full time from 1-10pm and I finished school, attending in the mornings.

Learned how to pay bills as I went and completed high school. Put myself through Hairstyling School by working in a salon nights and weekends while attending training by day. Nine years out of high school, opened my own business and have been successfully self-employed for 23 years….never looked back.

The thing I always knew and kept with me is that other people reveal their true selves to you by the way they either befriend or judge you.

Personally, I’ll take ‘nice’ over ‘normal’ any day!

None of my friends are ‘normal’…..thank goodness!!!