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Re: Successful ADDers annoy the h*ll out of me.

Re: Successful ADDers annoy the h*ll out of me.2011-11-16T17:26:13+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey Venting! Successful ADDers annoy the h*ll out of me. Re: Successful ADDers annoy the h*ll out of me.


Post count: 14413

LOL, dubrob, I have a good picture of your VW carwash story! I tend to take things literally, I have to have jokes, puzzles, etc explained to me.

Quizzical – Mozart wrote great symphonies, but he says he was just writing down what was in his head verbatim, he didn’t have to edit it. There’s a famous story of him coming home from a Bach concert and writing it all down precisely from memory. Where the music in his head came from? Who knows. So from that perspective, he wasn’t being creative, he was just a musical note-taker 😉

billd, I get what you’re talking about. Sounds like you’ll need to layer clothing. A woman I used to work for says it affected her in such a crazy way that one day she literally wanted to take a knife to her Japanese boss. Luckily she went to see her doc and he put her on “appropriate” meds. Some of us just go au naturel and the emotions come out without the ability to control it. We don’t necessarily mean what we say, but we lack the ability to hold back. (hide the kitchen knives)

I’m hating the doc who misdiagnosed me 20 years ago when I tried to look into my sleep issues. I had to go the ADHD route, since that seemed very likely. Still not sure what combination I have, but glad to be moving forward and trying to get my life in order if I can.

My dad’s new partner asked me to help with a non-Christmas “holiday” party in a few weeks. I had to tell her that I’d never hosted a party in my life, wouldn’t know what to do, can’t even cook more than one thing at a time and even that takes me 4 times as long as a “normal” person. I feel pretty hopeless in that department. Thank goodness my husband can and loves to cook! I told her that I can do what I’m told, so just let me know what I can do. I can move tables and set knives and forks and plates.

Here’s to supportive friends here and supportive spouses at home!