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Re: The struggle to maintain friendships…

Re: The struggle to maintain friendships…2012-09-27T04:55:20+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey Is It Just Me? The struggle to maintain friendships… Re: The struggle to maintain friendships…


allan wallace
Post count: 478

😆 Heh, so it’s not just me then?

I’ve been avoiding any contact with my dad in Scotland too. I was about a month late in sending him a birthday card (his birthday is in July) and I swore that I’d send it at the end of August along with a letter…I still haven’t done it with October looming. I feel bad about it, and don’t know if there’s any point in sending a card at all, because by the time I get around to it his next birthday will be rolling in. So far I’ve blamed being unwell with the flu, my kids holding me up with their letters, external issues with the demands of modern life, and even my poor long-suffering wife for delaying me. I’ve hardly had any contact with him throughout my life, and I’ve sort of justified it to myself with thoughts like’ well you bastard, I never heard from you for years, so you can wait until I get around to it and have no right to be grumpy etc’….that’s not cool.