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Re: The Walking Lonliness of the Nearly Departed

Re: The Walking Lonliness of the Nearly Departed2010-12-04T21:40:02+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey I'm Sad The Walking Lonliness of the Nearly Departed Re: The Walking Lonliness of the Nearly Departed


Post count: 546

reading all these posted,it feels like we are all able to have an entrepreneural spirit. i have tried to run a few ventures that have failed due to lack of money,then all the stress of prodution and money to live and keep the biusness afloat . then when i would shift in to hyper focus and the phone would start to ring , people always looking for there money . so with that presure the anxiety and then the depretion. at that point it just a matter of time when i would shutdown and the focus and fugtion was gone . the only thing left was deep disspare.the last thingwas to try to forget and move on to sumthing new.this is a 1to2 year process. any one else find life to be like this.