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Re: The Walking Lonliness of the Nearly Departed

Re: The Walking Lonliness of the Nearly Departed2011-01-15T14:12:10+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey I'm Sad The Walking Lonliness of the Nearly Departed Re: The Walking Lonliness of the Nearly Departed


Post count: 546

gforcewrap9, thanks for your concern some times I think Iam always just feeling sorry for my self . I really hate that about myself. because there are alot of people worse off than me in the world , then I start feeling guilty and start beating myself up about it. but I am one of the lucky ones because my wife has a good stable job . if i would not spend money so foolishly then we would not have to struggle so mutch.. I think I would like to be a modivational speaker on adhd and learning disabilitys. I think i feal the best about my self when i am helping people better ubout them selves and trying to help them solve there problems. I have this younger guy that worked with me has spent the last year trying to come back from alost state , and he is making alot of proggress and that makes me very happy . I have spent a lot of time lisening to him and whatching him figure out what to do to help him self. he leaves town tomorrow hopefully on the road to his sucess. thats not a job but more fofilling than any job than i have ever had.