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Re: The Walking Lonliness of the Nearly Departed

Re: The Walking Lonliness of the Nearly Departed2010-11-13T12:14:06+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey I'm Sad The Walking Lonliness of the Nearly Departed Re: The Walking Lonliness of the Nearly Departed


Post count: 121

Trashman, if your still here:

Get a second medical opinion, or third even until you get an answer. And it’s not like we’re going to kick you out because you think you don’t belong here. There may yet be something that can help you.

Karlsgateharley and Trashman:

About suicide. I can pretty well be safe in saying that most everyone (including me) when dealing with issues related to ADD or any other mental health issue consider this as an option.

The pain you feel right now will be passed on to those who knew you. It’s never too late to start to make small significant changes in your life.

I don’t want to get all Zen Buddhist (via Alan Watts) on you but : “You are not that person [that you were]. The only person you are is right now”. And that person you can change.

When you feel like suicide is the only option, please call for help. Whether it’s a close friend, a therapist or a 24 hour suicide prevention hotline. Don’t let this get the better of you.

The other thing I remember is when I was talking to a First Nations person when the subject of suicide came up. He said. “Don’t go where you’re not wanted”…Those words have stayed with me.

Hope this helps…and good luck