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Re: This is the thread that never ends….

Re: This is the thread that never ends….2011-07-28T17:12:07+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey Other This is the thread that never ends…. Re: This is the thread that never ends….


Post count: 14413

@Carrie, I bought this little black password book, which helps a lot. I also have 3 passwords: one for sites like this (no personal data); one for banking and personal sites (better encryption, so harder to hack) and one for email. If someone hacks my simple site password, they can update my facebook–woo hoo, and maybe wreak havoc on my PS3 account. If someone hacks my bank account–different story.

The frustrating thing is when they make me update my password or the site has some idiot rule about the password having to have one Cap, one number and one heiroglyph.

Separately, does anyone know where I can guy cheap ugg boots, and perhaps help a Nigerian prince recover his fortune?