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Re: Toronto Get-Together?

Re: Toronto Get-Together?2010-11-14T16:13:32+00:00

The Forums Forums Tools, Techniques & Treatments Toronto Get-Together? Re: Toronto Get-Together?


Post count: 14413

Hello wolfshades!

Thanks and congratulations for rounding more of us up..probably like hearding cats, I imagine!

: ))

This is going to be very exciting! I certainly can make it on the Tuesday…the date that night is Tuesday Nov 30.. : )

I’m in!

Do we wear Xmas hats or anything to identlfy each other? All dress in ADHD T-Shirts?

(I’d personally like a beanie with a propeller on it)


This will be great!

thank so much, wolfshades, you are a great organizer1

(and how often do we hear that one??)