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Re: Toronto Get-Together?

Re: Toronto Get-Together?2010-11-14T17:53:10+00:00

The Forums Forums Tools, Techniques & Treatments Toronto Get-Together? Re: Toronto Get-Together?


Post count: 211

OK then. Here are the updated (and corrected) details:

Date: November 30 (Tuesday)

Time: 7:00 p.m. until whenever

Venue: Blackberry Lounge at the Bell Lightbox (350 King St. West, corner of John and King St.)

Here’s a page that shows several pictures of the place. http://urbantoronto.ca/content.php?1123-tiff-Bell-Lightbox-Eateries-Finish-Off-The-Show

So glad you’re able to make it, MerryMac. Larynxa? Are you in? MLR? Crystalsphinx? Gracious? Anyone else going to be able to join us?