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Re: Well, here we go, I guess…

Re: Well, here we go, I guess…2011-05-31T21:45:46+00:00

The Forums Forums I Just Found Out! I Suspect I Am Well, here we go, I guess… Re: Well, here we go, I guess…


Post count: 128

Hi Jim and welcome!

I was 58 when I found out and it was watching the show that gave me the clues. I watched it 3 times before I finally admitted that I had it even though I had the AHA moment the first time I saw the show. I kept trying to deny that I had a problem that I couldn’t “fix”. I had been trying to “fix” these problems all my life and I was still trying, and failing.

I finally asked my daughter to watch it with me. After 15 minutes she said “yes you are definately ADD” and that was that. To make a long story short, I got the book from the show, got seriously depressed, saw a psychiatrist then another (everyone is right about getting the right doctor) and slowly realized that I was not broken. I just needed to look at things a little differently. And yes it does seem to get worse with age if not treated. Sage advise I got from a 22 year old ADD friend of my daughter’s who has already experienced this fact.

I have been able to turn some of my worst ADD traites into my best strengths with a little rethinking of my situation. I am still struggling. I am working on rebuilding my support system which has evaporated over the last three years.

So, let go of the guilt, assess you strenghts and weaknesses, make your therapists diagnosis official, get meds if you need them, give that wife of yours a huge hug and know that you are among friends here.

And TheGameGuy, I love your little saying about the glasses not teaching you how to read. It should be a wall plaque or stiched on a pillow or something. Its perfect for us ADDers. I’m going to work on that one.