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Re: What to replace anxiety with to get something done?

Re: What to replace anxiety with to get something done?2011-10-08T21:24:21+00:00

The Forums Forums Ask The Community What to replace anxiety with to get something done? Re: What to replace anxiety with to get something done?


Post count: 285

Tiddler – a lightbulb just went off for me… I experienced something like what you’re talking about when I was on Celexa. I was taking it for fibro-myalgia and anxiety, and I kept going on higher and higher doses over about a 5 year period. It didn’t do a thing for my forgetfulness, but it worked pretty well for anxiety. Problem is, I just got so apathetic. My Mom said – you’ve never been this nice in your life 😆 , but my husband was like – you have no emotions, you don’t care about anything or what happens… I would forget things, lose things, screw things up bad, and just be like – whatever… It took a long time to finally decide to go off it just to see what my normal mind state would be. (I had been “self medicating” for years prior, so really didn’t know what “normal” was for me) It took forever to get off of it – I had to go super slow because the side effects were so bad, but eventually I got my emotions (and libido) back. Now I’m back to my prickly, sassy, worrisome self, and I don’t think I would have figured out this whole ADD thing if I hadn’t chosen to go off Celexa. I still need to deal with the anxiety piece, but – – baby steps, right? Anyway, I just thought I’d share that in case it rings any bells for you…