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Re: What to replace anxiety with to get something done?

Re: What to replace anxiety with to get something done?2011-10-09T17:20:51+00:00

The Forums Forums Ask The Community What to replace anxiety with to get something done? Re: What to replace anxiety with to get something done?


Post count: 445

Beyond my pay grade…

BUT—I was once told by my GP that adrenaline can have a corrosive effect of the vascular system; that the reason stress is so bad for the heart is because it increases adrenaline levels in the blood.

Here, from WebMD: “If stress itself is a risk factor for heart disease, it could be because chronic stress exposes your body to unhealthy, persistently elevated levels of stress hormones like adrenaline and cortisol.”

Now, I can confirm that ADD causes stress and anxiety—it’s a natural response to life spinning out of control. And we read that “chronic stress exposes [a] body to unhealthy, persistently elevated levels of stress hormones like adrenaline…”

So I suppose my question is, why wouldn’t higher adrenaline levels caused by stress/anxiety mitigate any deficiency that might otherwise exist??

I don’t know. I’m confused and, as I said, out of my league.