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Re: What's the worst thing you have ever forgotten?

Re: What's the worst thing you have ever forgotten?2010-11-23T01:25:28+00:00

The Forums Forums Most X-treme! Funny What's the worst thing you have ever forgotten? Re: What's the worst thing you have ever forgotten?


Post count: 14413

I have been laughing uncontrollably reading all of these stories. I especially like clamdigger’s story about forgetting she was out with her husband. My husband is always ‘gently’ teasing me about my forgetfulness and/or clumsiness. Every other month, I’m either breaking toes, falling down stairs (or up) and bruising myself, or worse than that, stepping on someone else’s broken toes which is really embarrassing and hard to apologize for.

I continually lose my car keys and I have a CAA membership just for this reason. Last year, while out of town shopping, I found out that I had used up all the ‘locked my keys in the car’ calls for that year’s billing period. I couldn’t believe my ears when I called and the operator actually told me that I should wait until the beginning of the next month when my subscription renewed, before I called again for this reason. I asked her, ‘what’s the sense in paying for the service if it runs out part way through the year?’ I felt like a little child being scolded by her mother for not being good.

Also, the guys down at the local garage know me on a first name basis. All I have to do is call the number and tell them my name, and they ask me where I am parked. At least the local service never lets me down, although I live in a small town so I’m probably the hot topic around the water cooler there.