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Re: What's the worst thing you have ever forgotten?

Re: What's the worst thing you have ever forgotten?2010-11-23T05:20:00+00:00

The Forums Forums Most X-treme! Funny What's the worst thing you have ever forgotten? Re: What's the worst thing you have ever forgotten?


Post count: 596

Oh too funny all of these!

I have to add I’ve done the key thing more often than I can remember. My best key story: years ago, I was driving two different cars one week. I ran out of gas with one and locked the keys in the other. The embarrassing thing was that it was the same CAA guy each time. Because the calls were so close together he made a snide remark naturally. Then to top it off, I was out with my mom a few days after that and she locked the keys in her car. Guess which CAA guy showed up?:- )Needless to say we got a lecture from him. However the more I think back on it I don’t know why he made such a big deal since it was his job to bail people out! Anyway, my CAA membership has paid for itself many time over the years.

But the most embarrassing ever – A while back I got chatting with a neighbor I hadn’t seen in a year or so. He asked me how my husband was and then said, “oh does he still have his beard?” I looked at him totally blank and had to tell him I had no idea! My husband had gone from beard to mustache at one point but dammed if I could remember which it was at the moment :-) I really hope I never have to identify anyone in a police line up!