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Re: What's the worst thing you have ever forgotten?

Re: What's the worst thing you have ever forgotten?2010-11-30T13:33:51+00:00

The Forums Forums Most X-treme! Funny What's the worst thing you have ever forgotten? Re: What's the worst thing you have ever forgotten?


Post count: 58

I left for a family vacation–without our dog! My husband was at work; our daughter was at day care. I was home with our dog and supposed to pack up the car (dog included) then pick up my daughter at day care, husband at work and then head off to our cabin in Maine for 2 weeks.

Our dog–a very energetic, long-haired daschund/German Shephard mix–was a “foundling”. As such, she was always very anxious when folks were packing up the car and would always hanging around by the front door to make sure she wasn’t left behind. Nevertheless, I managed to load up the station wagon sans pooch.

It wasn’t until I pulled into the day care center’s parking lot and started to lower the windows to keep the car from getting too hot for the dog that I realized: THE DOG!!!

I raced back home and opened the front door to be greeted by my poor dog who was–by this time–completely *frantic* with separation anxiety. Poor girl…

I loaded her up; managed to remember to pick up my daughter and showed up to get my husband whereupon I had to explain *again* why I was late *again*.

Thankfully, the remainder of the trip was without incident. (Our dog died this past summer (at age 16) and I still wonder if she ever forgave me…)