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Re: What's the worst thing you have ever forgotten?

Re: What's the worst thing you have ever forgotten?2010-12-08T00:29:55+00:00

The Forums Forums Most X-treme! Funny What's the worst thing you have ever forgotten? Re: What's the worst thing you have ever forgotten?


Post count: 14413

If there’s anything in these stories that I haven’t done yet, I probably will someday…I can totally imagine myself doing any of them! I SO appreciate your stories.

When I was in high school (20 ish years ago) I was talking to my friend on the phone and I told her I’d come right over to hang out with her. I hung up the phone…and forgot. Completely, absolutely forgot until something jogged my memory several hours later. How do you explain and apologize for that? Since then, I’ve battled with remembering commitments of all types. It’s terrible!

I keep a planner and have to look at it constantly, but I’ll easily switch around my days and times, or just plain FORGET a minute after looking at it. Meds have helped tremendously, but I think this is one thing I’ll always struggle with.

I appreciate the humor you’ve all brought to this issue! Especially the husband at the mall story…LOL…I’m so happy to hear that I’m not the only one who would do something like that!