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Re: yeah, that's a felony.

Re: yeah, that's a felony.2011-11-08T23:47:50+00:00

The Forums Forums Most X-treme! Dumbest Thing I've Done yeah, that's a felony. Re: yeah, that's a felony.


Post count: 363

Yes, you need a lawyer.

It makes me angry that it is so hard to get help. People who are supposed to know what they are doing often don’t have a clue.

You don’t have to tell your current doctor a damn thing. It’s none of his business.

Also, it is never to your advantage to talk to the police, because it’s their job to use that information to get a conviction. Even if you had done nothing, talking to them would have been a bad idea. (For those in the U.S., see http://www.flexyourrights.org)

Often I think we feel that because we have ADHD we don’t deserve basic respect, or that we’re inherently “bad” – personally I don’t think you deserve to go to jail over this. A competent doctor would have helped you in the first place.