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Re: Zoning Out

Re: Zoning Out2010-09-28T17:01:13+00:00

The Forums Forums Most X-treme! Is It Just Me? Zoning Out Re: Zoning Out


Post count: 14413

I’m right there you in every area except sex. For some reason that’s one are i don’t zone out during.

this morning I was chatting with my mom. We were discussing her diagnosis with cancer and how the chemo

wasn’t working………………And then I sow somethinf move out of the corner of my eye………..I was home alone so

what could it be……..I walked over to see what it was and found a butterfly on the window……………….Wow! Never saw one like that before……………..I need to photograph it……………………..where is my camera…………………..in hthe kitchen……………….got it……………….

Damn! It’s gone……………….put the camera away in the kitchen……………………i’m kinda hungry…………….Honey made that great chili the other day…………………..sounds good………….dish some up and put in the microwave………………….grab a drink…………..sit down at the table and start eating…………………….good stuff………………………………………………………………….Shit, My mom is still online!!!!! Run into the office and she was still typing away asking me what I think.

NOW, If you can zone out while discussing a life or death issue with you mom, Raise your hand…………………………………………………..

……………………………………..I didn’t think so.

If I have something to do at a certain time, I actually set my alarm on my blackberry. Even if I am coooking and have to leave the room. the alarm is set.

It is just those spontaneous situation that i really get lost in

I’m working on it, but other that setting my alarm or my wife and kids watching over me, I have not a clue what to do either..

Hell, i get distracted reading the comments on this forum.

I wish you all more luck than what I am having.