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Reply To: Parenting & ADD

Reply To: Parenting & ADD2016-03-02T14:36:34+00:00

The Forums Forums Parenting & ADD Parenting & ADD Reply To: Parenting & ADD


ImpactADHD Elaine
Post count: 19

Hi Cher

First — I really want to go out for a coffee or a walk with you :)! Fabulous post, and a terrific example of how fast your brain is moving and how hard it must be to keep up with it!

I’m writing because I officially have permission to invite you to a place where you can learn specifically about HOW TO parent complex kids, even if you’re a complex adult! 🙂 Check out ImpactADHD.com and let us know if it feels like what you’re looking for — if so, then email us and we’ll tell you more! But first, make sure it feels like a good match for you (if this is feeling sorta like internet-support-speed-dating, well … )

There’s really a lot of minor things you can do to shift the way you parent so that you and your kids all feel more successful — we’d love to help 🙂  Elaine