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Reply To: Psychologist says he is curing ADHD

Reply To: Psychologist says he is curing ADHD2015-07-30T14:12:43+00:00

The Forums Forums Most X-treme! Most Hostile/Ignorant Thing I've Heard Psychologist says he is curing ADHD Reply To: Psychologist says he is curing ADHD


Post count: 32

Please report this man – don’t hesitate. As others are saying, he is definitely a charlatan.

I was diagnosed with ADHD at 54 – my whole life explained – wow, what a relief. Please don’t take on board this ignorant man’s view, and continue to find the right people to help you. For me, I have problems as a result of ADHD,  but also know that that many of my magic moments and successes in life are because of ADHD. Knowledge and understanding is helping so much. Don’t give up!