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Reply To: Your soul is incapable of love

Reply To: Your soul is incapable of love2013-12-28T22:20:55+00:00

The Forums Forums Most X-treme! Most Hostile/Ignorant Thing I've Heard Your soul is incapable of love Reply To: Your soul is incapable of love


Post count: 906

How long do you get to say “I’m new”? Just as long as you like. Every day is new. You are constantly learning and changing and every day you are a new person.

I can’t really give any advice when it comes to making friends. I don’t have any. Talking to people online is one way to make things a little less lonely and meet people that you have things in common with. Plus it’s anonymous and you have time to think about what you want to say, which can help if you have a habit of sticking your foot in your mouth like I do.

Support groups are hard to find. There are none where I live either. But TADD is like a support group. It’s a a non judgemental environment where you can safely express yourself and chat with other people who understand what it’s like to live with ADHD. And it’s a great source of information too.