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12 years ago…

12 years ago…2010-02-26T02:11:58+00:00
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  • #88254

    Post count: 14413

    I asked a doctor I was seeing about ADD. He said that “is a kid’s disease!” and immediately dismissed anything else I said thinking I had depression. He promptly put me on Amitripoline (sp?). That worked really well. Gave me some of the worst night fright ever.

    I guess depression was a logical guess because I had prior treatment for it. Treatment never went well though. I had a severe reaction to Prozac many years ago when it first came onto the market. I hallucinated. Like being in cartoon land 24/7.


    Post count: 14413

    That is why it is important to make sure that you are seeing a doctor who is familiar with, if not specializing in, Add. Ever wonder why doctors refer to their practice as an art but not as a job or a science? It could be worse -my husband finally went to a doctor for a medical condition and was told it was all in his head. Just gave him anti-depressants and sent him home. He died from it (congestive heart disease) five months later.

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