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ADD Coaching

ADD Coaching2010-04-17T15:30:53+00:00

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  • #88357

    Post count: 121

    Now that my ADD is getting under control, due in large part to meds, developing a great support system and making lifestyle changes I’ve decided to use a coach to get my career back on track. My hopes of finding a new job in another company have fallen through, so I need to make some serious changes to extricate myself out of the hell I’ve made for myself in my current job.

    Being diagnosed about a year ago at the age of 56, you can imagine what a train wreck my work life is like. I’m thinking a coach can help me with the executive functioning thing (analyzing, planning, executing, organizing, problem-solving) and other “life skills” in general. Such as when dealing with my supervisors how to get my point across in subtler ways rather than relying on my force of will to make my point. I guess that is because in my previous life my jobs allowed autonomy more-or-less and didn’t need to work with others.

    When you see people with fewer years of service get promotions because of these organizational skills, despite the fact I have more technical knowledge about my work, it makes me wonder what am I not getting here? I did have a more senior position, but when I realized that this job needed skills I did not possess, in typical ADD fashion, I thought I could learn them. Man, was I ever wrong!

    As a result of a lousy performance review, I voluntarily resigned the position to return to where I had some success, or face the prospect of constructive dismissal. Where have I seen that before?

    So, given my age, and the relative proximity to retirement I need to get those skills to get promoted. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not about the money or the need for respect from my peers. It’s about feeling that I can contribute more to the company (adding value in business speak) plus learning skills that I can apply to other areas of my life outside of work. It seems to me that we live in a time where actual knowledge isn’t valued, it’s the management of that knowledge has more value. That, and attitude. Of which, apparently, mine is lousy.

    Working in communications, it never ceases to amaze me when I read an article in the paper that someone was called a “tool and dye” maker, or that a car had “dual overhaul valves”. Maybe someone with “knowledge” could have spotted those errors.

    But I digress

    I will let you know how the coaching works out.


    Rick Green – Founder of TotallyADD
    Post count: 473

    Can’t wait to hear how it goes. Remember there are good coaches and mediocre coaches. Just like every other profession.

    But coaching is one of those things that really makes a difference. Even just having someone to support you, or report your progress to helps me to make deadlines. When I start the day by working for a few minutes with my partner Ava to set priorities and goals (And rewards for when I achieve those goals) then I am way more productive.



    Post count: 11

    I was RIF’ed from a job where everyone knew me and my ADHD and worked with me anyway, valuing my strengths and helping to support my executive function/ADHD weaknesses. (RIF = Reduction In Force)

    Now as I face being hired by a new school district I am considering finding a coach who would work well with me, because new folks may not be so kind and understanding and supportive of my weaknesses.

    We’ll see. First I have to get the job.


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