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October 17, 2012 at 8:14 pm #116557
Well Robbo – as long as you never lose your sense of humor…..if they don’t get it they’re missing out on some fun.
So I’ll just mess about with the garage band and hope it clicks. Maybe something for a cold Sunday afternoon.
REPORT ABUSEOctober 17, 2012 at 10:16 pm #116558Have any of you ever studied astrology? I’m sure that it would be fascinating to consider things celestial, but I’d have to repress my distaste for all of that vulgar bullshit that spews forth from those ‘new-agey’ types with their crystals, ‘pay here’ signs, and wishy washy claptrap that is triggered by those big colourful cards of theirs 😆 Who gives a crap what one’s star sign is, and how could one sign be more compatible with another? Don’t get me started on ‘past lives’ either!!!! I’ve run into more than a handful over the years, and they were always Princesses, Kings, or prominent members of the upper echelons, never humble shepherds, potato peelers, or hovel prostitutes! 😆
REPORT ABUSEOctober 17, 2012 at 11:34 pm #116559Apparently I was an African grave digger in a past life. I’m a Princess in this life though.
Is being dillusional a symptom of ADHD?
REPORT ABUSEOctober 18, 2012 at 3:23 am #116560Delusional is a word that I’d apply to the army of robots that spend their dreary lives confined to the same suburban sarcophagus for the duration of their fear filled lives…
Hmm, I suppose there’d be a lot of fun imagining a raft of different lives: I’d have loved to have been an explorer like Marco Polo, or a ragged bolshevik peasant, or a Viking, or a botanist, or even one of those wild cowboys that drank scotch and played poker before partying with hookers after trashing the saloon in a glorious free-for-all! 😆 The song ‘I was born under a wanderin’ star’ by Lee Marvin just sprung to mind!
On second thoughts, perhaps not, I don’t reckon I’d have hung around long enough to enjoy that! Being a druid would have been fun, and it would have been amazing to have experienced the whole Stonehenge experience during it’s early days!
Oh, and I’d have loved to have hung out with Jack Kerouac, and would have made sure that I was a part of the great adventure that was the inspiration for ‘On The Road’….
REPORT ABUSEOctober 18, 2012 at 7:35 am #116561No reason why you can’t be a botanist, an explorer or a druid – or all three – in your current life.
REPORT ABUSEOctober 19, 2012 at 4:07 am #116562Well, I can think of one reason for a start: ‘I just can’t be bothered’ 😆
REPORT ABUSEOctober 19, 2012 at 4:14 am #116563That auto-submit button has kicked in again! 🙄 I hadn’t finished! I’ve been allocated the job to clean up the back yard, and will have to use a whipper-snipper because the grass is getting to the stage where it will soon be able to look over the fence if it has eyes! If only the grass was yellow and dry…I could drop a lit match and that would solve that problem!
There’s so many things that I have to do, but for now I’m going to take a nap. Everything can just wait until Monday…I refuse to capitulate to pressure!
REPORT ABUSENovember 15, 2013 at 8:52 am #122876Whew…you guys can write…must confess I skimmed…after all there weren’t any pictures…..
I appreciate y’all being here please forgive me for not reading every word…but perhaps I have the gist…and isn’t it that we feel accepted and free here
Now…re astrology….I’m Aquarian….and it is said that Aquarians are …ahem…”motivaters” with original and creative ideas meant to inspire “others” to follow thru….because….no sooner does the Aquarian have a brilliant idea…when….wow….look mover there…..ANOTHER….interesting concept to explore……
p.s. re spirituality…..the book called “The Tao of Pooh((((as in Winnie the Pooh)))” is one of my favorites….and it has PICTURES…and it’s funny….and it’s simple…..and it makes you feel like accepting yourself and others and “going with the Flow” etc
Yup that Pooh Bear is a very spiritual bear indeed.
November 16, 2013 at 8:32 am #122887I find your insight to be so refreshing and honest Genniebean, so thank-you. I spend a lot of time being angry at being ADHD. Why I have no clue but I read all of these brilliant insights and am bleased at how truly amazing this group of people are.
My post are alway shortened and hopefully to the point I spend so much time just trying to keep up and I can’t, because of my LD’S and my low IQ. then there are days like today and I read these posts and I am honoured to be listed as part of this group!!!!
So to all that have a part in this thread I give you all the loudest CHEER of gratitude. I might be slow and not very well written , but when I read this amount of truly inspiring insight I am blessed . I spend most of my days feeling like a lost soul looking and hoping for death, but today you all fill me with hope! so THANK-YOU ALL!!!!
OH by the way I don’t go to a church anymore .I find they don’t like who I am. a little to honest and blunt. so if I feel like playing games I can do that any where!! So know when I find a place or a nee to be a little uplifting I give because thats all I got. but It still always hurts when my small gift is not accepted . still on the outside looking in. keeping it real!!!!
REPORT ABUSENovember 17, 2013 at 12:49 am #122898@trashman – I always look forward to reading your posts. I consider them concise and to the point, the mark of a good writer. I’m glad your able to get something in return for your contributions.
REPORT ABUSENovember 17, 2013 at 11:30 am #122901@trashman – Don’t put too much faith in that IQ number. There is a lot more to intelligence than a score on a test. There are many different ways to be intelligent. My mom only went to grade 8 in school and then the principal told her mom there was no point in sending her to school anymore because she couldn’t learn. And she is one of the smartest people I know. She taught herself everything she needed to keep a roof over our heads and keep us fed and make sure that we had the best possible start in life. We were poor but we never went without.
@Ginniebean and everyone else- I am sorry but this thread is a little too long and I simply can’t read it all right now. So I will just put in my 2 cents worth on faith.
There is wisdom to be found everywhere, in all the ancient religious and philosophical writings, even in everyday things that you read or hear on Tv, in the words of a passing stranger, and the mouths of babes.
And God/The Universe/The Powers That Be can be found in a kind word, a thoughtful gesture, the song of a bird and the colours of the rainbow, in the comfort you receive when you grieve and the strength that lifts you up in troubled times.
I believe that absolute belief in anything is dangerous. It is good to always question, to seek the right path. Take the good parts and leave the rest behind. No one religion has all the answers and no one way is the right way. Ultimately, we are all responsible for our own actions, and we can choose to act out of love and kindness or out of hate and anger.
Seek and ye shall find. Ask and ye shall receive.
I know it’s hard to believe, but it does work. When you need faith the most, it will be there. You just have to open your mind, and heart, and ask. And be ready to receive the answer.
REPORT ABUSENovember 17, 2013 at 9:27 pm #122910@myzee: thanks for bringing this thread up, @ginniebean‘s original post is such a good read. And Tao of Pooh…I haven’t seen it for over 20 years, when a friend had a copy. Brought back sweet memories, now I’m reading it, it is so gentle and accepting. Good salve for a heart that is feeling a little lost and lonely and sad. It’s making feel less lost already. Like I am remembering. Such good timing – a gift. <3 Thank you.
REPORT ABUSENovember 18, 2013 at 7:54 pm #122937Hey, what a cool thread. I’m just checking in to let you guys know I’m still alive n kickin. Also, I’m very stoked to find fun reading that I can really relate to.
Hang tough you guys.
REPORT ABUSENovember 19, 2013 at 1:00 am #122950@Robbo – I’ve been wondering what you’ve been up to and how you have been. It seems like you haven’t been around much the last few months . . . or maybe I just haven’t been paying attention.
REPORT ABUSENovember 19, 2013 at 11:31 am #122960Oh, The Tao of Pooh! I forgot all about that. And the other one, The Te of Piglet. years ago my brother got them as a gift and I always meant to pick up a copy for myself. I saw them once in a discount book store in the mall. (They had them in the children’s section.) I didn’t buy them that day…don’t remember why….probably because I didn’t have any money.
Anyway, thanks for the reminder. If I can remember long enough I’ll pick them up next time I am shopping for books.