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ADHD and Spirituality

ADHD and Spirituality2012-10-10T15:47:11+00:00

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    Post count: 363

    The original post from 2012 is amazing. I identify with most of it. My quest for “spirituality” led me to a study of Jewish ethics (which I helped write a book about). Most of which is not about “faith” in an abstract Being, but practical application of basically just being kind, honest in your emotional and financial life, altruistic in general, etc. The core values that draw people to religion.

    There’s a lot of guilt in religion, and an enormous amount of hypocrisy – which causes me to feel that the most “spiritual” people are often secular humanists who are at least not putting on a false front about who they are. They don’t pretend to perfection or try to force those standards on others.

    Making a long story short, after a lot of searching and trying to become more perfect, I have come to a place where I feel like my ticket to a meaningful life comes from my creative projects. I’m not sure how I feel about the concept of “god” but clearly there is a creative force that brought the universe into existence and causes life on this planet, at least, to perpetuate itself (without our help, intervention, or will) – a force that preceded us as a species and will continue long after humanity falls into extinction. Anyone can tap into awareness of that energy, what some call “the numinous.” Some people get it from time spent in natural surroundings. Some people get it from loving relationships, or meditation, art, music, gardening, or what have you.

    I read a book that basically says the self is mutable and susceptible to environmental influence – even in “neurotypicals” – we are more products of our environment than is typically believed, more open to influence than we might think – which flies in the face of the concept of “free will” – we have choices, but within a narrower range than we might guess. And we are all interdependent.

    I’ve always felt different. And I’ve always asked “Why?” – Why are we here, what’s the purpose of all this? I didn’t sign up to be alive in this world. But what can you do? Other than decide how to spend your time, now that you are here. I spend my time writing.


    Post count: 164


    I have been reading this whole thread, Ginnie (I think I’m spelling it wrong.) Pulled me in because I saw so much of my my past in her words, almost parallel. I started being very interested in religion, church, and every good thing I was supposed to do. I became very disillusioned at 10 years old but I’ll come back to that in a minute.

    blackdog, you just stopped me from reading further because I really wanted to comment on your post, I am so touched that you included everything, because that is now my belief  I just cannot believe that God is not part of every particle and void. But mostly like you said the simplest things there is God, faith, Hope! hope I think is faith, it is strength, it is light. And in some ways it is rest.

    I started to come to these conclusions when I was 10 years old. when I realized that thought as explained to me was like electricity and thought was the essence of everything. I was also told that electricity was in everything, and also God was in everything. My 10 year old brain put it all together that it was all the same, thought being like electricity only smaller. But I learned as I got older energy is energy, and frequency’s differ but but energy is never lost. I cannot see how that is not God. It doesn’t have shape color gender size name or anything, it just is. All that is evident, are the effects. God hiding in plain sight. As common as a dandelion, which is a very nutritious super food, yet held in deepest disdain, except by children, and artists.

    Oh, and people who eat their lawns. Probably healthier than the food from the grocery store.

    I could have gone deeper into the subject a little but I don’t have the time right now, I think I will though, the story of  my 10 year old self, told properly, isn’t too bad.



    Post count: 60

    Oh, I see this topic has been already discussed peeps, lol. Okay, I shall get busy reading! Talk later?


    Post count: 906


    Thanks for bringing this thread up. I totally forgot about it. It looked vaguely familiar, and I thought maybe I had posted something…

    And reading that post, I can’t even believe it was me. No idea where that all came from. Sounds pretty good though (if I do say so myself).


    Post count: 1

    I’m new to this and I greatly appreciate the flow! Lots to ponder – thank-you all for sharing!


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