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ADHD and the self employed

ADHD and the self employed2011-01-20T05:05:18+00:00

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    Post count: 14413

    If I came across like I did not appreciate the feedback? I apologize, I do appreciate all feedback, as I stated before, I am very new to seeking answers to these issues. My intent is to let people know who I am & where I am at to the best of my abilities, often when I am on this site I am also watching my children, Trying to concentrate on typing and watching little ones at the same time is not something I should be doing. So now I am here alone, maybe I can do better at communicating. I can relate to what Curlymoe said about developing new relationships with customers, I am still looking at that carefully, but am seeing some definite shortcomings, After having a long conversation with my wife about some of the pitfalls of communication & ADHD, Now that her & I are both aware of some of them it has made talking to each other easier and better (more meaningful) I realize those same pitfalls have affected my dealings with customers, I can imagine they thought me cold, inattentive, uncaring & a myriad of misunderstandings that I have been totally unaware of until now. I am still not sure how to over come these things, but the knowledge of them is the beginning. I have been reading an excellent book called “Delivered from Distraction”. It has a wealth of information and I see myself all through it. I must say that I feel at times it is information overload, yet I find myself excited at the possibilities, In just the past few days my relationship with my wife has improved dramatically due to us being able to communicate better. Once again I thank you for sharing you’re your insights with me. I hope you will continue to do so.


    Post count: 14413

    Nutz……… strong suggestion….. Make sure you maintain the holistic approach …. absolutely keep on top of this website,,,,,,,, Knowledge is power! I am glad the home relationship thing is working out as that will be a foundation for any of life’s adventures. Please again a strong word of advice…….. take care of your ADHD do not run from it . Reach out to those when you might have to and reach from within when you need to as I think if you do ADHD will take care of you and your loved ones beyond any expectations.


    Post count: 14413

    njadd….. I am not sure I know what you mean by holistic approach, can you clarify that some?


    Post count: 14413


    I have viewed the VIDEOS here on this sight…… The people here at TotallyADD.com have put together GREAT videos about ADHD. There are many videos here that explain Holistic approach… No! it is not VOODOO stuff. The videos provide information on the many ways to treat ADHD. They are short in length (Most under 5 mins. in length) but appear concise and informative . Just as there are many components to treatment as there are many types of ADHD…. It would be a good Idea to check out these videos and discuss them with your health care provider. Therapy, diet, medication and others are parts of but not limited to pieces you may need to manage the Syndrome of ADHD. Through proper and thorough diagnosis by your health care provider only then I believe you will move forward with understanding and learning to work with the issues that you may be dealing with ADHD. Lastly, I might suggest you find other sources about ADHD (Books, Websites, Support groups, Drug companies and etc.) as the more knowledge you gain the greater chance there is for success for you and those around you.

    Hope this helps….


    Post count: 14413

    njadd….. Yes that helps, I have heard the term Holistic used many times, with a varity of definitions, I needed some clarification of what you were getting at & that is the aproach I am taking. I want to watch the vidios on this site, but I am on a dial up service here at my home which will not play videos, so until I have time to get to my local library that has high speed internet I will not be able to wacth them. I am trying to use every resource I have available to most all you mentioned plus some you didn’t, Right now I feel as though I have information overlaod, which can be detrimental to me, so I am taking a step back trying to process all the info amke some informed desisions.

    Thanks again, my wife & I are tackeling this together as we have a daguhtrer with ADHD & a son bginning to show all the signs, we decided if we did not take this journing together. We had little or no hope of being able to help them.

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