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Alchohol/illegal drugs treating ADHD

Alchohol/illegal drugs treating ADHD2011-04-02T15:04:26+00:00

The Forums Forums What is it? Addictions Alchohol/illegal drugs treating ADHD

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  • #102858

    Post count: 14413

    Ooo Kitty Dps.. HOW EROTIX Lulz.. One word… You’ll be back to WoW in no time! Oh wait thats eight words! Yea I’ve been off and on for over the past 6 years Recently quit again.. Yet still have that friend coming over every week raiding right next time me! LIKE AHHH omg nOOOOO turn it off! slowly realizing I’m reinstalling after uninstalling last week. Hey WoW is the greatest it makes all those bad things possible all over again. Drugs? Affairs? Where else can you hide your life feelings and mello dramatic situational arguments? Lol you specifically remind me of this girl Kezia who lives in Pittsburgh. LOLZORACECARDRIVINGCIRCLESWOOWOOALARMSARCASMSEWWW! Does that mean I have this thing called PMS too? I log in and rage hard quite often. hmm what are the symptoms again? Oh wait my roommate is PMSing.. yup shes freakin nutso! SPeaking of which god she makes terrible baked goods. Someone TELL HER! Lol Blackops tell me when it gets interesting… DING the dryer went off oh its interesting again.. I see how your mind works. +.-

    Back to topic.. But yes Drugs Affairs Addictions of any sort can easily be used to mask or hide situations you don’t want to deal with. I used WOW for a very long time to hide myself from others. Locking myself in my room as my mother abused her vocals as I was a child or even today when my roomies are obnoxious and annoying. It’s like a safe zone and it’s all I’ve know for a long time. Apart of moving so far from my family was to get away from the yelling. But found myself back in a siatuation again where there are people who annoy me even more. Is it possible I set myself up for this? I’ve read if you constantly think about what you don’t want.. you will get. So thinkin about the things you do want you will get. Wishful thinking anyone? Its really encouraging to re-read The Secret by Rhonda Bhurnes. A lot of great explanations and positive material. Breaking out of old habits is a very difficult process. Where to buy instant life lessons. KTHX


    Post count: 529

    hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha Oh my! Im not a crazy driver! I drive like an old lady. Nice and slow. Gives me more quiet/music time. Unless im late…. :?

    Hey the new patch came out! Havent played it yet. Took all my… Shoot! Ive just lost the word.. Not Honor points… The other… Somethings telling me it starts with a C… SEE! I havent played in a long time! Dang it! Not JP… Not VP… Why cant I remember for the life of me! (Hang on, shall log into WoW to remember) *5hours later* Joking. You get them from arena/rated battles… UGH! Anyways, they took them all from me and gave me lame HP! Seems getting good gear is easier now too! Anyways… Ok, no but seriously… What the heck! CONqueST!!! Thats what! I really just did log into WoW. Luckily no one was on or I wouldnt be here right now. Oh how it has been calling my name! But… All the guys are away for the summer, and I only play when they do. They’s my buds! They have lives… So forces me to have one hahahaha And yeah.. Gotta face reality one day… Why not do it young.. Still got a long (well actually short) journey ahead *le sigh*

    I do believe that if all your focus is on how much you suck (for lack of better words) and how for example you dont want to be like your mother and then you stress about it and behold your just like your mother! I have been thinking about this a lot these days. How I want to define who I am, not what others tell me I should be, or how I should act, or who I am based on my actions in the past. I want to keep my hope in the future, who I am becoming in a positive light. That in itself is motivation. I just told my dad the other day.. Stop looking at what your doing and look ahead and what you could do! Then things fall into place. Scary and fecking hard, but I believe it will pay off. If not.. I had fun taking risks, and enjoying the unknown! Also dont have that lingering thought of “what if….”


    Patte Rosebank
    Post count: 1517

    Reading these old threads sure is interesting!

    Especially when I think of how far we’ve come, and how much we’ve learned, even in just a couple of years.

    For starters, according to Dr. Charles Parker, Prozac is NOT recommended for people who have ADHD.  It’s one of those SSRIs that make ADHD symptoms worse.  But Effexor is actually a good antidepressant, because it doesn’t make ADHD symptoms worse.

    (Learning all the time…)


    Post count: 906

    I took Prozac for a short time. Didn’t do a thing for me. Nothing. Well, except the night that I went out and drank a little too much. Bad idea. But I wasn’t on it long enough to really know. If anything I think it made me less able to maintain interest in things.

    One of my friends with ADHD takes Effexor and it works well for her. It made me violently ill.


    Post count: 5

    For the undiagnosed adhd person the self-medication is usually for 2 things: 1) the actual ADHD (meth, cocaine, speed) and 2) the constant restlessness & anxiety associated with untreated adhd (alcohol, Xanax, weed). I completely abused alcohol & drugs for 20 years until diagnosed ADHD & GAD at 40 years old. The Dex turns off the ‘constant search’ and turns off my addictions.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by dougdougy.
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