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    Post count: 14413

    I’m a 21 yr old university student and I recently was diagnosed with ADD/ADHD. I have been taking Biphentin for 1 1/2 weeks and since the first day taking it I have been nauseas. i was wondering if anyone else has had similar side effects? I am not noticing a big change in schoolwork or life yet but I’m hoping it will sort of all fall in place shortly. Any thoughts?


    Post count: 14413

    This is an entirely Canadian drug but the side effect profiles are similar to any medications that have methylphenidate as part of their core constitution.


    Post count: 14413

    I’m almost 50. I have been on Bifentin for about 2 years. I was on 40 mg. It gives me amazing clarity, the ability to articulate what I want to say, to be in groups of people, and a feeling of confidence I did not have pre-bifentin, when I could not even keep track of what I was saying. One problem, every few months I would start to have dizzy spells – like my brain was about to do a somersault. It was very scary. I also felt wierd ticks like maybe I would have some kind of seizure. I went off bifeftin two months ago. I feel foggy and lost again. I can’t speak with the same ease and flow as I did. It’s frustrating but I am afraid to feel that brain dizziness again. I’m not a big fan of any medication, but I am a big fan of clarity! Has anyone else had a similar experience? Note: I asked for a 30 mg prescrition and had the same effect before I just stopped taking it.


    Post count: 14413

    My 7 year old just started yesterday on 10mg then up by 10 for the next 2 weeks. It took us a year to decide to put him on medication, silly I know but I think that ADD is used as scapegoat so often and can be intertwined with so many things that I wanted to be as sure as I could. He also has developmental coordination disorder and is super smart. What should I be watching for here, how long till I notice something? And what should I tell him it is? I don’t want to deceive him he know he has “issues” but I have already found that with the melatonin, because he knows what it is and what It does he wants more at bed time then he needs. He gets himself so occupied with it that he in turn can sleep because he can’t stop thinking about it. I don’t want him to say give me more give me more of this just because he can’t concentrate or has become obsessed about it.

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